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  • Quips of an Angel: Never Give Up On a Good Thing

    When I have to teach my students the word 'habit' and how to use it, I often go around the room asking each one of them what their worst habit is, and sometimes the bold ones will turn the tables on me and ask me what mine is. I often respond along the lines of drinking too much coffee or eating too much chocolate. But I've just realized that my worst habit is actually far worse than that. My worst habit is that I am forever starting things and then not finishing them - a habit that stems from childhood. I feel like I should stand up in a room and declare, "Hello. My name's Angel and I'm a quit-aholic. It's been two hours since I abandoned my most recent project." Think I'm joking? Think again! At sixteen, I gave up A-level French because after being top of my French class for years, it came as a shock to find that I was struggling with the language at non-phrase book level. "You give up too easily," said one of my classmates. Well I couldn't argue with that! Fast forward several years and I've lost count of the number of home study courses that are still incomplete; the lessons for singing, dancing, and various instruments that I stopped attending early on; those books that are falling off my bookcase on subjects I'd always said I'd wanted to know more about but never managed to get past the introduction; the language CDs and DVDs which taught me hello and goodbye in many languages but not much else. Then there are the craft kits that are collecting dust, the work-out equipment that looks just as it did when I brought them home from the shops, the blog posts I started last year but haven't got round to finishing; the drafts of plays, short stories, and novels that I always mean to work on; my ideas for new business ventures that remain just that... And these are just the ones I can remember. It all starts off so well with so much interest and enthusiasm. But as soon as I realise that it's not going to be as easy as I thought it would be or I feel I don't possess enough natural talent, I start to lose interest and lack the patience and perseverance necessary to keep going, which explains the reason why I only ever touch upon the basics (if that!) And at long last I've figured out what my problem, no, make that problems are and what lies at the crux of the issue: 1. Having a Finger, Thumb and Toe in Every Pie! As I have waaay too many related and unrelated interests. This leads to sloppy time management as there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything, which in turn leads to an inability to focus because I'm trying to do too much and end up feeling overwhelmed. And many of my likeminded, 'creative type' friends agree with me. We're just so inquisitive and curious about everything and want to give it a go. We have a million things whirling around our heads like a cyclone. And then just as quickly as our interest appeared, it starts to wane, and we then move onto the next big thing. Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! 2. Being an Impatient Perfectionist I'm someone who wants everything to go swimmingly the first time I attempt it with hardly any error at all. But the realist in me knows that that's totally, um, unrealistic. Although there are some skills you'll pick up almost immediately, there will be plenty more where you'll have to work at it. And if you're dedicated enough, you'll understand that and put the work in. 3. Fear of Failure I have a deep-rooted fear of making a fool of myself. I've always been berated for being more pessimist than optimist, and I always expect things to not go as planned. So I figure, "Well, why bother?" Which is really silly I know considering there's lots of things that have actually worked out very well for me! 4. Procrastination! To top it all off, I have a tendency to procrastinate, especially when I feel that whatever I try to accomplish is never going to culminate in the desired result anyway (see point 3.) And there you have the perfect recipe for never getting anything done! Skipping Through the Day... But without meaning to sound overly dramatic (even though Mr. D says no one does overly dramatic quite like I do) I had a flashback to when I was five and we were practising for sports day at school. I had been put in the skipping race even though I couldn't skip to save my life. Feeling deflated at being laughed at and ridiculed by the other kids, I persuaded my mum to buy me a skipping rope. That weekend she did. From morning until evening honing my skipping skills was pretty much all I did. And do you know what? None of the other kids ever laughed at me again. Do you know why? Because I was lethal with a skipping rope (and not because I tried to whack them with it. Although I probably should have done!) I also remember having incredibly sore legs the next day but I now realise that that was a good thing. No pain, no gain and all that! Recalling this event has restored a lot of my inner confidence. It reminded me that with a lot of determination, hard work, and persistence you really can achieve anything - that's not just talk show host speak! I remember that five year old who had enough fire in her belly to go out there and show everyone that she had what it took. She didn't think that it was too complicated or unachievable. She didn't listen to those who said that she couldn't do it. Perhaps it's time I followed my younger self's example. But then I realized that the determination of my younger self did crop up over the years. It was that determination that helped me achieve two degrees; fulfil my dream of studying drama; train as a florist; pass my driving test (something my dad thought was never going to happen) and carve out a career as an EFL teacher for the past eight years. I certainly didn't give up at the first hurdle there. Maybe I do have it in me to get things done after all. But I do feel angry at myself for allowing this habit to continue for as long as it has. I've missed out on developing new skills and interests not to mention wasting sh**loads of money. But now that I've realized where I've gone wrong, I don't have to allow this habit to continue. So what exactly do I need to do? 1. Prioritize! We all have the same twenty four hours in a day, and for many of us it's not enough. We have to accept that we're only human and we'll never be able to give our full attention to everything at once, and attempting to do so will only end in suffering from burnout. So the key here - after acceptance - is the need to prioritize and concentrate on what's most important to us. I can always give the other interests a go when I've fulfilled these goals. 2. Create a Schedule And once you've figured out what's important to you, make a commitment to dedicate some time each day or each week (even if it's just a little time) to a particular activity or task, and really make a promise to yourself to go for it. After all you owe it to yourself to try - plus if you're anything like me, you'll want to get my money's worth out of all the stuff you've purchased! If you need a little extra guidance, create a list or a schedule. Don't scoff - you'll be amazed at how much you're able to get done, and you'll feel this sense of satisfaction at how much you've achieved. It's also a good way to keep track of your progress. 3. Break it Down You wouldn't try to shove a whole steak in your gob (unless it's a very bizarre party piece!) because we all know things are easier to accomplish in bite-size pieces. So if you are going to create some kind of schedule, remember to break down your tasks. You might have 'practice guitar' on your list of things to do that day, but decide what it is you need to do with regards to practicing guitar. Are there new chords you need to learn? Do you need to work on your sight-reading skills? Perhaps there's a piece of music you need to get right. And if you're 'learning French,' decide what it is you're going to do with regards to your French studies: grammar; watching a French film; learning new vocabulary etc. 4. Understand That Perfectionism Can Be a Goal-killer! Try to stop getting so hung up on being able to do everything perfectly. Accept that we can't all be brilliant at the first attempt, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm always telling my students that with practice and patience, you'll make vast improvements so maybe it's time I took some of my own advice. Until then, I'll just have to accept that I'm going to suck! Who cares if I can't ice a cake properly? I'm not Mary Berry! So what if I can't rock a guitar like Slash? At least I'll have fun trying. I heard someone say recently that it was better to do something badly than not at all, and that is all the inspiration I need (unless of course the doing something badly is flying a plane, performing life saving surgery or firing a gun in which case it really is better not to do them at all!) I'm going to leave you with this fantastic piece of advice from the legend that is Dave Grohl which is a reminder that even the greats don't always start out as great. Sure, you might be pants today, but tomorrow people might be throwing their pants at you while you're rocking out on stage! Right, now I'm off to a car boot sale to buy some sh**ty instruments and start putting all those 'teach yourself' guitar and drum books and DVDs to good use!

  • WNAAD Survivor Empowerment Summit 2021

    There was a very interesting quote we came across once that made total sense to us. It stated: The devil doesn't come to you with horns and a tail... He comes to you as everything you ever wanted. For those of you who have ever had the misfortune to have suffered emotional torment at the hands of a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath, you'll know just how true that quote is. Sadly these monsters look a lot like the rest of us. They look human; they sound human; they smile at us; do kind deeds; are respectable pillars of the community and are there for you in your hour of need. But then one day, when you least expect it, the mask slips, and you see them for who they really are, and dudes and dudettes, it is not a pretty sight! June 1st marks World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day - an internationally recognized event that raises awareness of narcissistic abuse as well as providing education and resources for survivors. WNAAD was established in 2016 and now occurs on 1st June every year. It may only be five years old but WNAAD is a growing global movement and is committed to raising awareness, providing support and education, and aims to take steps towards a change in policy. One of the topics we felt so strongly about highlighting here at Peppermint Teal was awareness regarding emotional abuse or any form of toxic, abusive behavior that falls under this term. Having known so many people - and we do mean so many - who have had the misfortune to have encountered a narcissist/sociopath/psychopath and suffered the after-effects, we felt that we needed to bring this issue to the fore. So this post for our The Mask Slipped feature is to announce the Survivor Empowerment Telesummit 2021 on 1st June #IfMyWoundsWereVisible What is narcissistic abuse? Many people are still a little confused as to what exactly narcissistic abuse is. Peppermint Teal is dedicated to promoting awareness on this subject so there will be more information in other posts as well as real-life stories from survivors who have managed to rebuild their lives. But simply put it's a form of psychological and emotional abuse. Unlike physical abuse which leaves visible cuts, bruises and broken bones, victims of any kind of emotional abuse wear their wounds on the inside - mentally and emotionally, hence why WNAAD came up with the hashtag #IfMyWoundsWereVisible That's not to say that the abuse can't later become physical but many of the abusers are often too clever, too charming and too subtle for that. Many people suffering from narcissistic abuse don't even realise that what's happening to them is a legitimate form of abuse. Somewhere down the line they may realise that something doesn't feel right but can't quite explain what and why. Family and friends will notice that something's wrong but not know what it is or even how to help. For those of us who have endured narcissistic abuse, we know just how awful, confusing and scary it is. World Narcissist Abuse Awareness Day exists to highlight the problem and raise the profile of narcissistic abuse. Thankfully more people are becoming aware of this issue but there are still plenty more who have no idea as to what narcissist abuse is; what it involves; how to spot the signs; how to help someone who may be a victim, or how to escape such a situation if you are a victim yourself. Why is it necessary to raise awareness of narcissistic abuse? Narcissistic abuse is a problem that goes by undetected until it's usually too late - but the epidemic of narcissistic abuse is escalating. But sadly there isn't enough education, campaigning or funding to tackle this subject. According to the WNAAD website, studies indicate that between 1% and 6% of the population suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and that's just narcissists alone - this statistic does not include the other cluster B disorders. It is estimated that in a lifetime, each individual suffering from NPD will have relationships with approximately five partners, thus highlighting the enormity and grave impact of this abuse. But although we know the number of people affected by NPD is huge, it is difficult to calculate a near enough exact number. One thing that people often forget is that the narcissist isn't always a partner: it could be a parent, child, or other family member, friend, housemate, or colleague - in short, it could be anyone. Survivor Empowerment Telesummit 2021 The Survivor Empowerment Summit is a two day online summit, where speakers - mental health practitioners and leading experts on the issue - will be giving advice and sharing insights. Because the issue of narcissistic abuse is one that's very close to our hearts at Peppermint Teal, we're delighted that people are now talking about it and awareness is being raised because it gives the narcissist less place to hide and hopefully they'll never cause pain or mental anguish to another human being again. For those of you who are interested in the Survivor Empowerment Telesummit and wish to register you can do so at Images: Stated under image Banner: Angel Noire using images from Pixabay Word cloud: Angel Noire

  • Totally Mint! Peppermint Chocolate Truffle Mousse Cake

    Here at Peppermint Teal, we're all about the mint and how anyone couldn't love the fantastic flavour combination of mint and chocolate, we just don't know. So for the the first Wake Me Up Before Your Cacao post for the new look, newly named Peppermint Teal. This unapologetically decadent mousse cake which is no doubt a chocoholics dream come true, has a slightly chewy, minty chocolate cookie base and is topped with a velvety rich chocolate truffle mouse, and finished off with white chocolate shavings. It does freeze well so can definitely be made quite well in advance if you've got an important event coming up and want to cut back on some of the last minute rushing around. And while you might be tempted to scoff the lot and not share, we wouldn't recommend that - as delicious as it is! PEPPERMINT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE MOUSSE CAKE Serves: 12 Prep Time: 30 mins Cook Time: 5 mins INGREDIENTS BASE: 350G chocolate mint cookies/biscuits (mint thins, grasshopper cookies etc.) Crushed 1/2 cup butter, melted 2 tbsp. golden syrup TRUFFLE MOUSSE: 450g dark chocolate (min 60% cocoa) chopped or grated 115g butter 30ml crème de menthe 1 tsp peppermint extract 4 eggs, separated 150g caster sugar 450ml double/heavy cream, whipped TO DECORATE: White chocolate shavings EQUIPMENT 1 9" spring-form cake tin 1 Heat-proof mixing bowl 1 mixing bowl 2 medium-large saucepans Wooden spoons Whisks Measuring Cups Measuring Spoons Measuring Scales THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: For the base, gently melt the butter and golden syrup in a saucepan. Once melted add the crushed biscuits and combine well. Press biscuit mixture into the greased cake tin and then put into the fridge to chill. For the mousse, put chocolate, crème de menthe, mint extract, and butter in a heatproof bowl and place over a pan of simmering water until chocolate and butter melted and ingredients are well combined. Remove from heat and allow chocolate mixture to cool slightly before adding the beaten yolks, gradually. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Then whisk in caster sugar gradually until egg whites become quite firm. Gently - with the emphasis on gently - fold whites into chocolate mixture. Then fold in the whipped heavy/double cream. When bowl is full of well-combined chocolatey goodness, spoon mixture over the crushed biscuit base. Once mixture has been spooned into tin, lightly smooth the top and then put in the fridge for at least 6 hours to chill. When ready, remove from tin, place on a fancy plate and decorate with the chocolate shavings - or however you wish! COOK'S TIPS: If you can't find mint chocolate biscuits or cookies, you could always add a teaspoon of peppermint essence/extract to the cookies before blitzing them in the food processor. You could always use mint flavoured dark chocolate instead of plain. If you don't like alcohol, omit the creme de menthe and add another teaspoon of mint extract/essence. You could also use white chocolate instead of dark. Photo: Pixabay Word Cloud: Angel Noire

  • 15 Ways... To Get Back Into Reading

    Some of us haven't picked up a book since leaving school - and couldn't care less! But some of us were once avid bookworms who let real life get in the way: we've got to get to work; study; look after the home; take care of the kids; fit in time with our family and friends... it's a miracle if we're able to squeeze in a decent amount of sleep let alone a good read! But for those of us who always had our nose in a book, we really do miss the regular habit of reading. These days we're all so busy and stressed that we when do have 'date night' with a new novel, we can't focus and our mind is often on the million and one tasks we're mentally ticking off our list. Or you begin a book, make good progress but then have to take a break from reading because you're too busy... and then you never get to read to the end of the novel. So once again you unintentionally abandon the idea of becoming an avid reader. 'Getting back into reading' or 'reading more' are goals on a lot of people's want-to-do list, especially when the new year comes around again. Our intentions may be good but it's not always easy to restart that reading habit. We live in an age of constant distractions especially digital ones, and sometimes it's hard to get that focus. So how do you get back into reading again? How do you put down the phone and pick up a good book? (With your hands!) But whether you are the prodigal bookworm or someone who's never really been into books and would like to start, Peppermint Teal has fifteen ideas that might just, hopefully, get you turning those pages again! But first... WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT READING? We get it - you're all booked-out after graduating and swore you'd never pick up anything with a cover, a spine and pages AGAIN!!! But to miss out on reading is to miss out full stop - in our opinion at least. There's nothing quite like losing yourself in a novel and partaking in an activity that's known for being relaxing, cozy, and enlightening. And for those of you who think that reading is boring, well - maybe you just never met the right book! Reading is a lot like baking or knitting these days - it's suddenly become cool again. Here's why we think reading is so important: It's escapism. How many of us have lost ourselves in a book and let our imaginations run riot? It's a great feeling, isn't it? We live in a world of constant, fast-paced information overload and sometimes our poor little brains (OK, not so little!) can't always cope with it. Reading is a great way to relax, slow down and get away from the stresses and strains of everyday life. We get acquainted with words again. Remember when our English teacher told us how reading would build up our vocabulary and improve our spelling and grammar? Well they weren't wrong! It's a sad fact that many of us have let our spelling slide or use incorrect grammar. This is partly due to text-speak and an over-reliance on tools like spellcheck. Sure some people might think this is as unnecessary as the ability to do mental arithmetic - isn't that what the calculator function on your phone is for??? But many of us think it's still important and a useful skill, especially in a work setting - and it makes a good impression. Reading is exercise for the brain. So you should treat reading the same way you would a work out session and read regularly. It's being productive. More often than not, we are glued to our devices, and a lot of the time we're not being very productive with them - just aimlessly scrolling (come on, we all do it!) Reading is a good way to leisurely use time we would otherwise have wasted and gives us the chance to put down our gadgets and pick up a book (although we will allow digital books in this instance!) You need to be occupied. If you're someone whose brain needs constant stimulation, books might be the way to go... especially if you're someone who tends to brood or dwell on the negative when you don't have anything else to occupy your mind. BEFORE YOU BEGIN... Think about the kind of books you'd like to read. If you're going to start with a book that's not your cup of tea, chances are you'll get bored and won't continue. You don't always have to read the classics. If Jane Austen or Charles Dickens made you fall asleep during English class, chances were they weren't the novels for you then. And if they're still not, don't fear as there are plenty more different types of literary works that might be more up your street. Don't worry about other people's snobbery with regards to certain types of novels. If someone doesn't like your reading material, then that's their problem, isn't it? Be realistic. You should aim to read every day in order to create a habit and keep it going. But we don't expect you to finish a book, or even a chapter, every night. Set aside a realistic amount of time - at least fifteen minutes - to fit in some reading. Or if you think in terms of pages, think about reading five to ten pages - whatever works for you - on a daily basis. Find a regular time each day when you're likely to continue reading, and stick to it in order to create a routine and keep the momentum going. That might be in the morning with your first coffee of the day; at lunchtime; during the evening commute, or before bed. Read reviews and recommendations which will give you ideas for new books to read. Check out podcasts, Instagram accounts dedicated to books, magazines, your local libraries recommendations etc. And talking of the library, it's probably time for you to become a member again if you're not already. You know... to keep those endless supply of books coming in because you're going to be such a read-a-holic... There's nothing like being in the home of books to motivate you into reading again. Try to work out which format you prefer - traditional books or eBooks. The stories may be the same but some people have a preference for one type or the other and feel that they read better with a certain format: they can focus better and get through the book at a good pace, and still maintain their level of interest. One reason why people love old school books is because they, can at a glance, measure their progress with the number of pages they have got through, and you can make written notes, while others feel they can get through an eBook much quicker than it's printed counterpart. And don't dismiss audio books either! Admittedly listening to a story is not the same as reading it. But audiobooks are a great way to get into a story for those who are seriously pushed for time and have the ability to multitask. It's also something people can listen to while they're falling asleep. Why not try a book series by listening to the first title as an audiobook and then shifting to a physical book for the follow-up? Providing you have time of course! If you can't put down the phone or your tablet, then at least stick some books on it! But be warned - you might get distracted by phone calls or incoming messages. So here's our fifteen ways to get you into the habit of becoming an avid reader again. 1. PICK UP A SUSPENSE NOVEL One of the reasons why people get bored with a book is because it's too slow-paced or draggy, and we get bored even before we get to the halfway point of the book. Not a great way to inspire motivation in someone who wants to get back into books. But with a novel that has an element of suspense such as a whodunnit or a psychological thriller, those books are designed to hook the reader and keep them hooked, so they're more likely to be a page-turner; a bit more fast-paced, and really draw the reader into the narrative so you should hopefully want to get to the end. 2. COMPLETE THE FIRST CHAPTER OF A BOOK QUICKLY! Sometimes it's the getting started that's the hardest bit. So getting over that initial potential hurdle - the first chapter - is key. And that's something that former bookworms and novice readers struggle with. So set aside some time when you know you won't be interrupted and just get on with reading that first chapter in all it's entirety. After that you can set time/page limits and take the novel at your own pace - but remember to be consistent. 3. TO READ OR NOT TO READ It's important to remember that an uninspiring start to a book is not always indicative of how a narrative will develop. It's like a movie - you might feel like walking out of the cinema after the first fifteen minutes but then by the end of it, you're glad you stayed. But on the other hand, we've all come across novels that are painfully hard to get through and we just know that the book isn't really 'us'. So the question is do we continue reading 'til the end in the hope that the story will get better or do we ditch it and find something that really holds our interest? FOMO vs YOLO is always a hard one! No one wants to be a quitter but sometimes it's better to stop something that's just not working and try something else that might. After all you only live once, right? So why waste precious time! Give the book a chance and set a limit - say the third or fourth chapter. If by the time you've finished that chapter, and you think you can handle it - keep reading. But if you're starting to lose the will to live, then now might be the right time to put that book down and go in search of one that you might enjoy. Reading should never be a chore, so if you're not enjoying your current reading material, give it up - or it could potentially put you off reading for good. 4. START WITH SHORTS If a novel is too full on for you, start with a series of short stories which will be an easier, equally as interesting, and more varied read. 5. CREATE A READING LIST We all know the benefits of a list - it enables us to remember what we need to do and get things done. Set up a list with books you're just itching to read. Then every time you hear about a title you want to read, add it to your list and tick it off as you finish the novel. It'll be interesting to see how many you get through in a year. 6. PICK UP A BOOK FROM CHILDHOOD Even if it is Cinderella! Don't underestimate the power of nostalgia to get you bubbling with enthusiasm, and remind you why you fell in love with reading in the first place. Perhaps it's something your parents read to you when you were a child; a book you read when you started secondary school, or a book from a teen series you loved. And if you think that children/teen books are just for kids, well think again! There's a whole host of adults who have gone back to the teen and young adult fiction that they loved when they were much younger. It reminds them of care-free times and how much they loved reading. 7. TAKE A BOOK ON YOUR COMMUTE If you have a fairly long commute into work and use public transport then trust us - a novel makes your journey so much better. You might be too busy when you're at home, and feel too tired when you crawl into bed but when you're sat on a bus or a train with nothing to do, you have no excuses and depending on the length of your journey, you may well be able to get in a couple of chapters. So make a book your new best friend on those long commutes. 8. CREATE A BOOK NOOK There's nothing quite like a cosy, charming, inviting space for you to sit with your book and read in peace. Your reading nook could be a small corner of a room; an entire room; the disused space on a landing, or it could even be outdoors - just anywhere where it's quiet and where you won't be distracted. What you need is a comfy seat, a good reading light, and a little table for your tea and cake. 9. JOIN/CREATE A BOOK CLUB If you want to get into the habit of reading but keep putting it off, joining a book club might be a great way to get motivated when it comes to reading especially if you're someone who likes socializing. You'll feel as though you're part of a team, there's the social aspect and who knows - you might make some great mates as well. Plus book clubs are great places to share ideas and read books that you might not otherwise have come across. And furthermore, if there isn't a book club in your area, there's nothing to stop you from starting your own. 10. START A BOOK BLOG/VLOG Those who have started a book blog or vlog have done so because they are keen readers who want to share their love of books with likeminded people. As a novice or born-again bookworm, there's no reason why you couldn't do the same. Starting a book blog/vlog or bookstagram is another way to get your motivation levels up; to inspire you to complete each novel, keeps you accountable for your goals, and is also a unique way to document your journey as a soon-to-be avid reader and fiction fan. It's also a great way to build up a community with other book fanatics, where you can bounce around ideas; share news... and maybe make some book buddies! But remember, blogs and vlogs do take time and effort so start one if you feel you have the time, energy and patience to keep it going. 11. READ OUTDOORS On a day when the weather is good, the outdoors makes a lovely calm, and serene environment to get comfy with a book, whether it's your garden, the park or the beach. 12. WATCH A TV/FILM ADAPTATION OF A BOOK The debate over film and TV adaptations has been raging on since the creation of film and TV adaptations. We're not going to get in on this debate, but as a tool to get you back into reading, adaptations do come in quite handy! True there can be subtle differences (and sometimes major changes) between the original literary work and it's screen adaptation. And of course the book gives more in-depth background and details than its screen counterpart due to time constraints on the latter's part. But the essence of the book remains the same: the plot; themes; characters; setting etc. So watching the adaption may help you decide if you'd like to then pick up the book. Admittedly its a massive spoiler to watch the adaptation before reading the book, so this is not a tip for those of you who don't wish to know what will happen. But if you're unsure as to whether or not you're going to enjoy a literary work, and don't mind knowing how the story ends, then screen adaptations might be the way to go. 13. CHECK OUT REVIEWS FOR INSPIRATION So you can't judge a book by it's cover or by it's title - but you can (a little) by the review! Book reviews are very helpful to potential readers when deciding what to add to the all-important reading list. They give you a general idea of what the book is about, and if you're already a fan of the genre or the author, it might well be a novel you can't wait to get stuck into. Although reviews are useful, remember that whether a book has been deemed good or bad is the reviewer's opinion. It's not necessarily gospel, so make up your own mind. We've come across some books that got fairly negative reviews and we found them to be quite good. And then there were some that got rave reviews and went on to become best sellers - and we really don't know why (no titles mentioned!) So stick to the facts - if it's your genre and the synopsis intrigues you, then you might enjoy it. 14. GO TO A LITERARY FESTIVAL Also known as a book or writers' festival, these are generally annual events which bring writers and readers together in certain towns or cities. Lit fests are a fantastic way to discover or rediscover a love of books. They are so much more than just authors sat at individual tables with a pile of books! There are readings given by authors; book signings; poetry recitals even acting performances. It's a great occasion for people who really enjoy the creative scene and will have you falling in love with the written and spoken word. And of course it's a chance to discover - and talk to - new authors, and find knew titles you might want to read. Check out what literary festivals are going on in your area. 15. HAVE YOUR NEXT BOOK ON STAND-BY When you're nearing the end of a book, make sure that you have selected your next title from your list and you have it ready to jump into as soon as or almost as soon as you've finished reading your current book. This will help you keep the momentum going as a longer than necessary pause might have you falling off the book cart again! Happy reading! Photos: Pixabay Word Cloud: Angel Noire

  • Benemint Cucumberpatch Cocktail - How Cool Is That?

    Cucumber and mint scream summer the same way red wine and spices remind us of winter. So now that the warmer months are heading our way, could there be anything more deliciously perfect than a cucumber and mint based cocktail? No we didn't think so either! Peppermint Teal has come up with what we think is the perfect cocktail that was actually based on a drink that was created on the spot at a family party - by Angel Noire no less! And yes, it was a hit! The Benemint Cucumberpatch - as we've decided to call it - is a cool combination of mint and cucumber. It has that invigorating minty sensation; the refreshment of cucumber; the fragrance of lemongrass and the zing of ginger. Is it delicious? No sh*t, Sherlock - it's da bomb! Prep Time: 5 mins Serves: 1 WHAT YOU NEED: INGREDIENTS 1 piece of cucumber, roughly 2", peeled and chopped 3 long thin cucumber ribbons 10 mint leaves 1/2 lime, juice and zest 1" piece ginger, peeled and chopped I/2 stem lemongrass 2 ounces white rum 2 tsp. sugar syrup Ice Tonic water, Bitter lemon, or coconut water EQUIPMENT Potato peeler (to create cucumber ribbons) Cocktail muddler Cocktail shaker Cocktail stick (one long enough to rest across your glass) Old-fashioned tumbler glass (or whatever you prefer. We won't be mad at ya!) Straws THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: Place chopped cucumber (NOT the ribbons) mint leaves, lemon grass, ginger, lime juice and zest in the cocktail shaker and muddle until the ingredients have very little resistance. Fill the shaker with the ice cubes, then pour in the white rum and sugar syrup. Put the lid on cocktail shaker and shake, shake it baby, for about 30 seconds until drink is completely chilled. Strain the mixture into glass. Roll up each of the cucumber ribbons and then thread them through the coctail stick/skewer. Place on top of glass. We're sure you don't need us to tell you what to do at this point. Enjoy! Photo: Pixabay Word Cloud: Angel Noire

  • Quips of an Angel: Welcome to Peppermint Teal!

    If you've come here looking for Frengellica, don't go away! You've absolutely come to the right place. Yes Frengellica has undergone something of a revamp. It now has a new look and a new name. From now on, we will be known as Peppermint Teal! We won't say that Frengellica is no more exactly because the content and subject matter are still very much the same. We're still all about well-being and our own brand of healthy living. The subjects we used to post about - natural hair and skincare; narcissistic abuse awareness; expat living, and anything connected to better living - are still here. At Peppermint Teal, we're really big on transformation; personal growth; motivating yourself to do better; getting out of a rut you've found yourself in; and not being afraid to make positive changes when necessary. So it was probably a good idea for us to take our own advice and give this site a bit of a revamp! Even though we're barely a year old, we felt that we were in need of a change and go in a slightly different direction. But we didn't know where we were going or how we were going to get there. A bit like me behind the wheel of a car! So here we are! We hope that you enjoy the new-look Peppermint Teal, and we're open to your comments and suggestions. So what's in the new look Peppermint Teal? 15 WAYS TO... GET BACK INTO READING Reading is a fun and relaxing activity. Perhaps you were an avid reader when you were at school - or maybe the only thing you read as a kid were the opening credits for your fave TV show! But as we get older and we all lead such busy, hectic lives, pursuits such as reading can fall by the wayside. Check out - or better still read - our post for ways in which you can get back into the habit of becoming a regular reader again. WHITE TEA AND YOGURT FACE MASK There's nothing quite like a bit of pampering, and we've got the perfect exfoliating face mask that gets your skin all dewy, glowy, and feels deliciously moisturizing - which is just as well because it's good enough to eat (though we'd rather you slathered it all over your face instead!) THE BENEMINT CUCUMBERPATCH COCKTAIL Summer is just a around the corner which means that we're all up for refreshingly cool drinks - and if that means cocktails then that's even better! Check out our recipe for the sub-lime (yes, there's a clue there) Benemint Cucumberpatch which is basically all the things that Angel loves in a cocktail (although grapefruit isn't in there but that's a good enough reason to create another cocktail later at some point!) THE LOVES AND LOATHES OF AN EX-PAT: PART 2 - THE LOATHES Back in a past life when we were Frengellica, we did a post as part of our Ex-Pat Files feature where we looked at all the wonderful and magical things that life in another country can bring. Well in the second part of the post, we look at the not-so-wonderful-and-magical side of being an ex-pat which some of you who have lived/are living in another country might have experienced. Check out our post which includes stories from those who have experienced these problems, as well as suggestions as to how you might overcome them. WORLD NARCISSISTIC ABUSE AWARENESS SUMMIT June 1st marks World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day and the fourth annual virtual summit will begin on the same day ending on June 2nd. So if you haven't booked your place, you can do so here. And it's free! PEPPERMINT CHOC TRUFFLE MOUSSE CAKE For Peppermint Teal's first Wake Me Up Before Your Cocoa, we decided to make a decadent chocolate mousse cake flavoured with mint for a winning flavour combination. Don't feel guilty if you don't want to share it - we didn't want to either! Enjoy! Word Cloud: Angel Noire Photos: Pixabay

  • Quips of an Angel: Fool That I Am!

    To many people April Fools Day is a bit old hat. And this year, even if you wanted to play pranks on your family, friends, and colleagues, it'll be a tad bit hard anyway with all the Covid restrictions meaning that we still have to socially distance. But judging by all the April Fools pranks I've been seeing on social media and in the press, it would appear that for some of us April Fools Day is still very much alive and well! I still remember the first prank I spotted in the press. And I have to admit - they got me! Back when we still lived in London, The Man and I were doing our usual commute into work on the tube, and as I peered at Mr. D.'s copy of the Metro, a short article caught my eye. It was about the new trampoline aisles that Tesco were introducing to their stores which would enable those made of shorter stuff (like me!) to grab things from the hard-to-reach top shelves. It was demonstrated by TOWIE star Lucy Mecklenburgh. An interesting concept but I was slowly beginning to wonder if Tesco had lost their mind... Me: Do you see those new trampoline aisles? Mr. D: Hmmm. Me: If I worked for Tesco, I'd be worried about shoppers having an accident. Mr. D: Hmmm. Me: Plus you'll get dummies just mucking about on them and making a nuisance of themselves. Mr. D: Hmmm. Me: Plus I think elderly people would find it a struggle. Mr. D: Hmmm. Me: And also if you leapt up and tried to grab a tin of something, you'd just end up knocking over a whole ton of stuff. Mr. D: Of course you would. Then the penny dropped. Me: OMG! It's an April Fool's gag! Mr. D: Well of course it is. Did you think it was real? Me: I forgot what day it is. I've never seen one of these pranks in the press before. And anyway I didn't think anyone bothered with April Fool's Day anymore. So I spotted my first ever April Fool's Day prank in the press. And it got me good and proper! But whatever you might think of April Fools Day, we live in a world where fun and having a laugh are seem to be in short supply - especially right now. So go ahead and play those pranks - providing they're funny of course!

  • Spring Is In The Air: Cool Seasonal Things For You To Enjoy

    We're a few days into the new season and spring is most definitely in the air. Winter is awesome but who couldn't welcome the first few rays of spring sunshine and the promise that summer will soon be on its way? But the problem with spring is that among the other seasons, it plays the role of the overlooked sibling. You know - the quiet one who sits in a corner and reads while his siblings garner all the attention? And when you do notice spring's presence, it's there all too fleetingly. But that's quite unfair because spring actually does have as much to offer as it's seasonal counterparts. It's the perfect time to be out and about if you prefer mild weather to the freezing cold or blazing heat. And everything is just so pretty from the blossom on trees to all those pastels that everyone's rocking to all the cute baby farm animals being born. Furthermore with spring there's the symbolic aspect of the promise of something new; the idea of rebirth and new beginnings - where everything is budding and blossoming and coming alive; the concept of rejuvenation... There are notions of fresh hope and light coming after the dark. Surely these are all things to look forward to! With the other three seasons, there are events and activities that are connected with those times of the year: Beach holidays (summer) going to see the fall colours (autumn) and ski trips (winter.) But what do you do during spring? Quite a lot as it happens! If you think that spring is a quiet season where nothing much happens other than chocolate eggs being stacked on supermarket shelves (that actually happens in winter!) then think again. Check out all the fun things you can do at this time which will definitely put a spring in your step. So spend some time outdoors; watch the season literally blossom; soak up some rays and savour the taste of those delicate spring flavours. 1. DECORATE YOUR SPACE Spring is here so pack away all your winter bits and pieces, and decorate your home with all that's light and bright. We're all familiar with the concept of spring cleaning -and there's a major clue in the name! Spring is the season of everything becoming refreshed, rejuvenated and revitalized, and that starts with the home. So before you give your home a mini makeover, get it spring fresh by getting rid of all the dust, grime and cobwebs from the winter season. It's also a case of out with the old and in with the new (that's not just for new year!) So it's good time to declutter and get rid of/donate anything you don't like, want, or use, before giving something brand new pride of place in your home. Give your home a thorough spring clean. That means seeing to the places you tend to ignore such as behind the wardrobe, the tops of kitchen units etc. Deodorize carpets, clean windows, sort out the junk drawer/cupboard/room etc. Decorate your home with spring flowers Plant a spring garden Make a bird feeder Create a spring-themed wreath for your front door Donate items you no longer need Replace your thick heavy winter throws, curtains, bedding etc. with lighter spring-appropriate fabrics Hang windchimes Decorate a birdhouse 2. HAVE A SPRING IN YOUR STEP We wait for the other three seasons to participate in activities that are associated with those times of the year. And spring is no different. So make the most of the season and what it has to offer. Ice cupcakes in spring colours Take pics of the season Check out the gorgeous blossom on the trees Get caught in an April shower Go clothes shopping! You can pick up bargain winter clothes for the end of the year, and discover the new spring trends as they hit the shops Celebrate the seasons holidays and festivals - Easter, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day... Play pranks on April Fool's Day (we're sure that's still a thing!) Plan a spring break trip Go birdwatching Make a flower necklace or crown Create a spring-themed nature scavenger hunt Seek out the first spring flowers Stalk the Easter bunny - and get your pic taken with them 3. ENJOY THE SPRING WEATHER It's more than likely that you've been stuck indoors since last November so spring weather is the perfect time to be outside more. The temperatures will be higher than it was during the winter of course but not so scorchingly hot that you can't bear it. So make the most of it. Have a picnic Fly a kite See an outdoor movie/play Have drinks at your local beer garden Read a book outdoors Eat brunch with friends Dine al-fresco 4. INDULGE IN SEASONAL PRODUCE With each new season comes delicacies, produce and flavours to indulge in until the new season comes along. So grab these spring goodies while you can and try out new recipes. Make some apricot jam Go strawberry picking Roast asparagus spears Bake a carrot cake Steam some artichoke hearts Make a fennel salad Add mange tout to stir-fries Think of all those yummy puddings you could make with rhubarb! Try out a new recipe using fresh spring produce Brew tea with fresh mint Roast a leg of lamb Poach some salmon 5. OH THE PLACES YOU COULD GO! It's no secret that everyone's social life picks up a little more during the spring months (unless the year is 2020!) After months of staying in during the dark, cold winter months, we want to catch up with our mates and be out when the sun's out! Go on that planned spring break trip! Visit a farm to see the baby animals Go to farmer's market Check out yard/car boot sales Art festivals and exhibitions Have drinks at a rooftop bar Outdoor concert Play mini-golf Go to a baseball game Go camping 6. OR JUST STAY IN! But don't feel the pressure to be out all the time if you're really a homebird and you'd rather spend time indoors. You can have just as much fun at home. Garden tea party Game night Movie marathon Backyard bonfire Barbeque Get your skin summer-ready with lots of home spa treatments 7. ENJOY THE SIMPLE THINGS Bask in the simplicity of the prettiest of seasons and indulge in the simplest of spring pleasures. Watch bees hard at work Feel the sun on your face Open your windows to let in the spring breeze Go barefoot in the grass Go on the hunt for four-leaf clover Sketch/paint some nature Pet a bunny 8. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING We admire anyone who's dedicated to their fitness regime. But it's well known that some people just don't have the same motivation during the winter months. Who wants to go for an early morning run on a cold, dark December morning when we can stay all tucked up, cozy in bed? But spring is the perfect time to break out of the exercise rut and make up for lost time. Go for a hike Go canoeing/kayaking/paddle-boating Ride a bike Go running Take a long walk Meditate or do some yoga at your fave outdoor spot Go roller-blading Do a 5K run for a worthy cause Try a new fitness class 9. SPRING FASHION As much as we love the coziness of autumn and winter fashion, one of the best things about spring is that we get to put away our heavy overcoats, pack up our thick woolies and thermals, and wear clothing that much more lighter, brighter and cheery! Ditch the layers and go bare legged Wear open-toed shoes Wear flip-flops Go pastel! Wear floral prints Paint your nails in pretty spring colours As our hair will not be buried under a hat, we can now be more adventurous with our hairstyles AND FINALLY... At the time of writing this post, we are well aware that the world is still in the midst of the pandemic which will inevitably limit the kind of activities you can do this year depending on the rules of where you live. Remember there's always next year when hopefully life will return to some kind of normal! Photos: Pixabay Word cloud: Angel Noire

  • National Retro Day: Why It's Cool To Be Old-School!

    Does a a song from your teen years make you smile whenever you hear it? Do you make awesome chocolate chip cookies but still think they're not as good as Aunty Jean's? Do you like nothing better than competing in Magic tournaments? Do you often think the world we live in has gone batsh*t crazy - and not just because of the pandemic? If so, then be thankful that National Retro Day is coming up because this day was made for you! National Retro Day is a day when we let the wave of nostalgia wash over us; reminisce over our childhoods and teen years; remember the simplicity of the past, and try to get through the day with as few distractions from modern day life as possible! Although National Retro Day is celebrated in America, there's no reason why nostalgia addicts all over the world - or anyone who wants to give a nod to the simpler times of the past - shouldn't participate in this fabulous event. So let's take a look at what this day is all about and how to observe it - as well as why it's so good for us and our wellbeing! WHAT IS NATIONAL RETRO DAY? National Retro Day falls on 27th February every year - and has done so since 2018 - and is the brainchild of Hermelinda A. Aguilar, Robert Duran, and Tina Duran. It's a day in which we celebrate our love for all things retro - with the emphasis on embracing simpler times and avoiding the distractions of modern day life. It's a day to forget about likes, followers and hashtags; it's a day to ignore who's saying what on social media, and it's a day to switch the devices off and party like it's 1999. WHAT'S THE PURPOSE OF NATIONAL RETRO DAY? It's twofold: it's to get our retro on and celebrate all that was good about the last half of the twentieth century with regards to fashion, music, activities etc. But it's also a day to get away from the distraction of modern day technology, be more present in the here and now, and embrace life the old school way - just for one day! There's lots of great things about modern day life (with the exception of the pandemic of course!) but most of us can agree that life today is very frantic, hectic, and rush, rush, rush! And when we're not rushing around, we're zombified, constantly glued to our gadgets and not 'living in the moment.' NRD aims to slow things down and embrace the simpler things in life as we did back in the day. And that does NOT include devices! THE EFFECT OF NOSTALGIA ON OUR WELL-BEING We all know that dwelling heavily on the past and refusing to live in the here and now is not healthy at all. But a good dose of nostalgia; reminiscing about good times, and sharing happy memories can have a positive effect on our health and well-being. Whether it's looking at old photos or home movies; watching shows you loved as a child; or cooking old family favourites, nostalgia can help to improve our mood, alleviate stress and make us feel a lot calmer. It can also improve your relationships with others by developing a deeper connection to your family, its roots and traditions, and can also help strengthen intergenerational bonds. Furthermore, it can give people a greater sense of identity and more meaning or purpose to life by piecing together the jigsaw puzzle that is the picture of their life's story. Nostalgic memories are said to be different to other memories in the sense that they have a deeper emotional quality and a positive connection to your childhood, family life and generally happy times in the past. Nostalgia provides a way to re-live or re-enact good times throughout your life, which may well give you a much needed boost when you're going through tough times. Nostalgia can also create a sense of community and belonging. Just look at all the groups and clubs for people who love the popular culture of a particular decade, in which they can meet and connect with like-minded people who share their passion, and with whom they can share memories. As we all know, it's so good when you finally find 'your tribe!' THE NEED TO DISCONNECT... FROM TECHNOLOGY Do you remember when that little rectangular device in our pockets was for making and receiving calls only? Do you remember even further back when leaving the house with a phone seemed like the impossible dream??? Well today we can't live without our mobile phones which seem to perform a million and one functions! In fact we can't seem to live without any kind of technological gadget, and if Wi-Fi is down even for five minutes - it almost feels as though someone has cut off our oxygen supply! We live in an age where there is an app or a gadget for just about everything, and we'd be lying if we said that we didn't enjoy living in a period of great technological advancements and where we can get everything at the click of a button and at our door the next day. But many of us are also well aware that there is a downside to being connected all the time. And one of the disadvantages is that ironically it has made us a little disconnected - from ourselves, from reality and from each other! Many people agree that we seem to have lost that human connection. We find ourselves at the beck and call of our gadgets; we buy into the seemingly perfect life of the latest social media darling, and despite having five thousand 'friends' on Facebook, loneliness has become a severe issue of pandemic-like proportions sweeping over the nation. National Retro Day is a day to unplug, unwind, slow down and have fun the old-fashioned way. It's a day to take it back to more simpler times before the internet, Wi-Fi, and social media started to take over our daily lives. Whenever we think back to highlights from our childhoods, we think about simple pleasures and quality time spent with the people we love. National Retro Day reminds us of how good it is to look back at these great times and remember to spend some time away from the demands of new technology and modern day living. It's a day to create some new retro-inspired memories, and live in the moment without a gadget in the palm of our hands! SO WHAT EXACTLY DO I HAVE TO DO FOR NATIONAL RETRO DAY? One of the prerequisites for National Retro Day is that you stay as unplugged as much as possible - or better still, you stay completely unplugged. Which means no endlessly scrolling through your phone, no constant social media use, no being glued to your laptop. The aim is to live as simply as possible - for one day! We're taking it back to the days of in-person, face-face-connection;* family meals eaten around the dining table and not in front of the telly; when kids spent time outside the house and explored more than just the web, and participated in activities that didn't require Wi-Fi. Do you get it now? National Retro Day is a day to do all things the old school way! There are many things you can do in order to celebrate retro-ness in all it's nostalgic glory. The creators of NRD encourage celebrants to participate in activities that fall into one of these four categories: wear it, play it, drive it, and show it. Frengellica decided to add a few more unofficial categories just because we wanted to: make it, attend it, consume it, read it, watch it, do it! Read on for celebratory ideas. WEAR IT Wear retro clothes relating to your chosen decade. Some classic retro clothes might include ra-ra skirts, drainpipes, bell bottoms, ripped jeans, 'Choose Life' T-shirts, leather jackets, platform shoes, shell suits, puffball dresses etc. Certain designers are synonymous with certain decades so you could always dress in Chanel, Mary Quant, Karl Kani, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Ossie Clark etc. Think about classic retro hairstyles. Get your quiffs, pompadours, beehives and perms in order! Rock make-up that is associated with your chosen decade. Accessories often get overlooked, so don't forget those chokers, peace sign medallions, bandanas, and retro hair bobbles. Wear a watch. We know, right! Who even does that any more! PLAY IT Play those retro video game consoles - Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Atari 2600, Sega Saturn, etc. Play a classic board game such as Scrabble, Monopoly, Ludo, Risk, Axis and Allies etc. Listen to your collection of vinyls, cassette tapes, or compact discs. Pick a particular musical genre - rock 'n' roll, glam rock, disco, techno, hip-hop, punk - or a particular artist - Elvis, Diana Ross, Rolling Stones, David Bowie. Or you could just listen to a big retro selection! Play music on a non-internet jukebox. If you're the proud owner of a vintage instrument - play it! DRIVE IT If you have a classic vehicle, be sure to get it out on the road. SHOW IT OFF If you collect any kind of vintage memorabilia, now's your chance to show them off: Milk bottles, vintage magazines, sports cards, movie posters, action figures... This'll be your opportunity, if you're a pop fan, to display all the merch you've collected over the years. If you're into retro styling, showcase the hair and make up skills you've learned with the help of your trusty polaroid! Rock retro-style clothes that you've sewn/crocheted/knitted yourself Those of you who have styled your home in retro fashion may want to take this opportunity to highlight your interior design skills MAKE IT Indulge in crafts that were popular back in the day - macramé, tie-dying, paper marbling, model aeroplanes etc. Cook or bake something from a vintage cookbook Sew/knit/crochet a retro-inspired item of clothing Create old-school soft furnishings for your home ATTEND IT See a movie at a drive-in theater. Have a date at an old-school fifties style diner Go to an arcade. Head to a roller rink. Roller disco anyone! Go to an eighties event CONSUME IT Have dinner around a table with your family or friends. Eat at the oldest restaurant/café/diner in your neighbourhood Grab dinner at a drive-in restaurant. Scoff a pack of those sweets and chocolates you couldn't get enough of as a kid. Create a three course meal based on dishes that were popular at your chosen time. READ IT Read a print newspaper or magazine. Read a book - not an eBook! Choose a well known retro novel - Valley of the Dolls; The Handmaid's Tale, Midnight's Children, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit Read something by an author who was popular during a particular period - Harold Robbins, Jackie Collins, Barbara Taylor Bradford Reread a book from a series you were addicted to as a teen - Sweet Valley High, Nancy Drew, Babysitters Club WATCH IT Stick on a VHS tape/DVD and watch a retro film: Rebel Without a Cause; Psycho; The Graduate; Diamonds Are Forever; The Shining; Jaws; The Omen; Star Wars, The Godfather; Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, E.T. The Terminator; Sister Act; Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump... take your pick! Watch an old television show: Dallas, Dynasty; Friends; Happy Days; Hill Street Blues; St. Elsewhere; Cold Feet; Starsky and Hutch; Dukes of Hazard... Check out documentaries about past decades Watch a TV show or film that absolutely screams a particular decade: Valley of the Dolls (1960s) Abigail's Party (1970s) Wall Street (1980s) Watch a type of TV format that was once super popular but now... not so much (damn you, reality TV!) - quiz shows; comedy sketch shows; candid camera type shows, TV anthology series etc. DO IT! Call someone on a landline telephone - rotary, cordless, or push button. It's all good! Send someone a handwritten letter Go outside and play some sports Go for a bike ride Don those rollerblades and go for a skate along the beach/in the park Use a clock, an actual clock, for the time. And not your phone If you have trouble adding up digits, use a calculator. An actual calculator. Not your phone Use a non-digital camera to take pics Pretend it's 1985 and use a notebook and pen! This may seem to be a bit of a contradiction considering that we're all supposed to be offline, but one of the official suggestions for National Retro Day is to share what fantastical retro magic you're getting up to on social media, using the hashtag #NationalRetroDay. But there's no reason why you can't post something the night before of what you plan to do. Or you could take pics on the day and post them the next morning. That sounds fair enough and we're sure you won't get carted away by the retro police! The important thing is that you enjoy this day and have fun - lots of it. *At the time of writing this post, we are well aware that the world is still in the midst of the pandemic which will inevitably limit the kind of activities you can do this year depending on the rules of where you live. Remember there's always next year when hopefully life will return to some kind of normal! Happy Retro Day!!! Enjoy! Photos: Pixabay Blog graphics: Angel Noire

  • Sparkling Rosé Fruit Bowl

    If you thought fruit salad had to be boring old oranges, grapes and bananas, think again! This is a zingy, zesty, boozy and sparkling fruit salad that's just perfect for a Valentine's Day breakfast (or whenever you like!) Who said fruit salads can't be healthy and decadent??? Sparkling Rosé Fruit Bowl INGREDIENTS: 1 Granny Smith's apple 200g raspberries 1 mango 1 pink grapefruit 500ml Sparkling rosé wine 2 tbspns Caster sugar Juice of 1/2 lime THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: 1. Make a sugar syrup by heating the sugar with 2 tablespoons of the wine until sugar has completely dissolved. Leave to cool. 2. Peel and dice the mango. 3. Remove peel and pith from grapefruit and cut into segments. 4. Core and chop apple, leaving peel on if you wish. 5. Squeeze lime juice over the apple. 6. Combine prepared fruit in a bowl with the raspberries. 7. Add remainder of the rosé wine to the syrup. 8. Pour sweetened wine over the fruits. 9. Serve with cream, yogurt (breakfast) ice-cream or sorbet (dessert.) VARIATIONS If the recipe above isn't quite your cup of tea (or glass of rosé!) don't worry - maybe one of these boozy fruit salads will float your fruit bowl! TROPICAL Pineapple, mango, passion fruit, kiwi fruit with rum. SUMMER BERRIES Raspberries, strawberries, redcurrants and blueberries in champagne FAR EASTERN Lychees, rambutans, melon, papaya and dragon fruit in gin PEACH MELBA Peaches, raspberries, nectarines and apricots in Prosecco ORCHARD FRUIT Apples, pear, plums, apricots and blackberries in cider CHRISTMAS MAGIC Kumquats, Clementine's, blood orange, quince, figs, in mulled wine Blog graphics and photo: Angel Noire

  • Ideas For A Fabulous Valentine's Day Breakfast In Bed

    St. Valentine's Day is about to descend upon us, and what's so great about this St. Valentine's Day is that it falls on a Sunday; a day of total rest and relaxation meets the day that screams love and romance. So seeing as you have the whole Sunday to lounge around and be totally loved up, there's no excuse not to start the day with a long, leisurely Valentine's Day breakfast. And there aren't many things that scream romance quite like breakfast in bed which is the perfect way to start a lazy Sunday. And when you throw your honey into the mix, it makes for the perfect bonding experience. Most of the time, we're all so busy and anxious to rush out the front door, that we skip the most important meal of the day. Though if we're lucky we might grab a slice of toast before heading out. So let's banish all thoughts of your usual fare (or lack of!) Valentine's Day is a great time to try something different and indulgent. So here are some ideas to inspire you - and have you wishing every day was a breakfast in bed day! FIRST THINGS FIRST If you're going to have breakfast in bed, you might need the following: A large tray - choose a large but not overly cumbersome tray with fairly deep sides to stop the food from spilling over, especially when you're carrying it up the stairs. It's also a good idea to line it with a mat or thick piece of cloth. Not only does it look pretty but it muffles the sound of clinking and cluttering. Suitable small dishes or containers for your butter, jam, honey etc. Cutlery (preferably wrapped in a napkin to stop it sliding off the tray and to muffle the rattling sound) Glasses Cups/mugs Napkins Mini bread basket Egg cups Fresh flower for the tray A bottle of Champers (it's a special occasion!) VALENTINE'S BREAKFAST IDEAS: Here are some ideas for the most important meal of the day. You can decide if you want something healthy; something a little substantial, or if you'd like to indulge your sweet tooth. But seeing as it's St. Valentine's Day, why not go for three courses and pick one thing from each list. We just hope you have a big enough tray! SOMETHING HEALTHY Porridge served with berries/chopped bananas, honey and cream Baked oatmeal Smoothie bowl Banana and honey on whole meal toast Oatmeal smoothie Chia seed pudding Avocado on toast Fresh fruit salad Yogurt parfait layered with fruit, oats, fruit compote/honey Miso soup Tofu scramble SOMETHING FILLING Scrambled egg and smoked salmon Salmon and cream cheese bagel Poached eggs on toast Mushroom on toast Baked eggs with cheese Huevos rancheros Mini breakfast pizzas Frittata A fry up! How often do you get to have a full English? Steak and eggs Eggs benedict SOMETHING NAUGHTY BUT NICE Pancakes with a selection of fillings: jam, honey, peanut butter, maple syrup, hazelnut spread etc. Homemade croissants with butter and jam French toast with berry compote Danish pastries Muffins - these can be made in advance to save you from getting up early to prepare them. Waffles with butter, syrup and strawberries Stuffed French toast with Nutella and raspberries or mascarpone and blueberries Crumpets with butter and jam BEVERAGES Hot chocolate made from scratch with whipped cream Freshly squeezed juice Herbal tea Tea Latte Golden latte Matcha tea Champagne Prosecco Rose Bellini Buck's Fizz And remember... If you're going to serve toast, make sure you prepare that last so that it stays warm. Wrap it in a napkin before you take it up so it stays in warm. Likewise if you're going to serve yogurt, get that out of the fridge just before you go up so that it stays cold. Make sure you have all the things you need before you go up. It'll be annoying to run back down because you've forgotten the cutlery. Napkins and kitchen roll are a must! If you're going to serve Champagne/sparkling wine along with the breakfast, make sure you pop it in the fridge the night before. Don't worry about crumbs or mess. This is quality time with your other half. Enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day! Photos: Unsplash Word cloud: Angel Noire

  • Make Me A Happy Home: 10 Steps to a Tranquil Home in Covid Times

    Our homes are so much more than just bricks, mortar and tiles, and shelter from the elements. It is a representation of who we are. Homes tell a story about the people who live there. It's the place where we expect to find peace; feel safe; feel free to be ourselves; relax; have friends over; celebrate good times and most of all, be happy! And if ever we needed reminding of how important our homes are, the last twelves months should have hammered that point, er, home! Prior to the pandemic causing chaos around the world, most of us only saw the inside of our homes to have dinner, go to sleep, and grab coffee and toast the next morning before dashing out the front door to head to work - the place where we really did spend most of our day. But since Covid-19 made its presence well and truly felt, we've all been spending more time at home than we ever thought possible: working from home; home-schooling our kids, and doing what we can to occupy our days and take our minds off the pandemic. Now more than ever we need the safety and tranquility of the place we call home, and do whatever needs to be done in order for us to feel peace and contentment, and reduce our levels of stress and anxiety. And happiness at home doesn't always come from designer kitchens, finished basements, and Olympic sized pools - although we wouldn't say no to any of those! But quite often it's the simple things that that make a house a home and bring a sense of peace, happiness, and well-being. These are the things that could make yours a happy and peaceful home. 1. CLEAN AND CLUTTER FREE As we all know, it can take forever to clean up a room but only a few seconds to make a mess! No matter how neat and tidy you naturally are or try to be, piles of clutter can accumulate before you even know it. Which makes cleaning more of a mission as you try to get around the clutter. Which means dust, dirt and grime build up. Which means pretty soon you won't be able to hear yourself think amidst all the chaos! It's true - cluttered surroundings create a cluttered mind where you're unable to focus or concentrate. Unless you're someone who couldn't give two hoots about untidiness, it's hard to effectively accomplish the things you need to do when you're surrounded by chaotic mess. But thankfully there are simple ways to spruce up your home, making it grime and clutter-free. Remember the neater and tidier you are, the less there is to clean, organize, and put away, leaving you more free time and energy to devote to your passions and interests. BRING IT HOME! 2. LET'S GET PERSONAL There's a lot to be said for personal touches throughout the home. They tell a lot about the owner and bring a level of comfort. Many of us would like to live in the kind of home that wouldn't look out of place among the pages of Home and Garden - or MTV Cribs - and go for what's en vogue rather than what's truly 'us'. And in trying to do so, we get so bogged down with the details concerning our chosen theme or colour scheme that we discard anything that doesn't 'go' with the decor - even though quite often these are the very things that reflect our personality and give the home we live in a real sense of identity. True there should be some flow between personal objects and the style of the house but with a little imagination, you can bring together the most eclectic of objects bound together in your own inimitable style. It's lovely to see things on display that tells you something about the people who live there: photographs, artwork, holiday souvenirs, collections on display, a library of well-loved books, home made furnishings, home-grown flowers in a vase... anything that tells a story and says something about the habits, interests and personality about the owner of the house. BRING IT HOME! 3. DISPLAY PHOTOS There's hardly anyone out there who doesn't carry some kind of device for taking photos which means that taking snaps has never been easier. But unfortunately most people have a tendency to just leave the photos on their phones or tablets, or upload them on to social media and then just forget about them. There's nothing like seeing the faces of the people you love most every day, especially when they can't be with you in person as often as you'd like. Each photo tells a story and gives you the chance to relive memories. Photos can be a real talking point when you have guests over, especially with people you don't know very well - although admittedly you won't be having a lot of visitors over now! BRING IT HOME! 4. A SOFT SPOT FOR SOFT FURNISHINGS You don't have to be into doilies and chairbacks to appreciate soft furnishings. They add a touch of luxury and a lot of comfort and really make a house feel like a home: beautiful bedding; comfy beanbags and cushions... and a couch isn't a couch unless is got throws - perfect for snuggling under when you're watching TV or surfing the net! One of the best things about soft furnishings is that it really is the quickest, most convenient, and relatively the cheapest way of instantly updating the appearance of a room. BRING IT HOME! 5. SIMPLY SCENTSATIONAL Like songs, certain aromas are highly evocative and have an effect on our moods, feelings and well-being. But quite often how fab  - or unfab - your home smells is often overlooked. But pleasant aromas can have a positive effect on us and can make us feel refreshed, calm, energised and can even help to induce sleep - especially at a time when people have been experiencing high levels of insomnia due to the stressful times we're living in now. Everyone knows why people eager to sell their homes are keen to have the aroma of freshly baked goodies wafting around their home, and its that same smell that can be delightfully comforting and give that feeling of 'homeliness'. That and freshly ground coffee, and beautifully-scented cut flowers. Most people are not fans of air freshener or highly fragranced cleaning products with that ghastly synthetic smell. But you can't go wrong with good quality scented candles and incense sticks; good old-fashioned drawer liners and lavender sachets; essential oils being used in oil burners, or floral-scented water spritzed over bedding. BRING IT HOME! 6. MAKE TEA-TIME A REAL TREAT Who doesn't love the idea of afternoon tea? The chance to kick back and unwind over a warming cup of tea and some delicious baked goodies. But unfortunately with the hours most of us work, tea at four o'clock every day is impossible. It would however make a fabulous,  relaxing weekend treat - just what's needed to help you unwind. And why not go to town by using real china and cake stands, if you have them, and serving lots of scrumptious, sweet, creamy delicacies? And let's not forget that home-baking can be relaxing, enjoyable and therapeutic - exactly what's needed right now.  And shows such as Great British Bake Off, Masterchef and Next Great Baker have reignited our enthusiasm  for baking and enabled us to get happy with the mixing bowl again! Baking is a fun activity which can be done with the people we share our home with, and it's one which involves all of the five senses. Who doesn't love the sight of prettily iced cupcakes; the texture of bread dough as it's being kneaded; the taste of choc chip cookies; the aroma of delicious home baking, and best of all, the sound of everyone happily tucking in! There's no reason why tea-time at home shouldn't be every bit as enjoyable as at your local tea shop. 7. CANDLELIGHT If there's something else that gives a home that homely feel, it's candles - and lots of them. And if they're scented candles then that's even better! There's nothing like the cosy, warm glow of candlelight to bring that touch of magic into your home. It's great for when you want to unwind, meditate, or get romantic. Candlelight is also great to fall asleep to but for this we would strongly recommend the common sense option of battery operated candles! 8. CREATE YOUR OWN SPACE If you share your home with others, it's important for you to pick a place in the house that you can call your own: a place where you can talk on the phone; read a novel; write etc. and generally just slow down, enjoy your own company and be lost in your own thoughts. Absolutely nothing wrong with that! Your own space could be a comfy armchair by the window; a window seat with a nearby bookcase containing your fave novels; a corner of the room with bean bags, floor cushions and a side table with all your fave knick-knacks on it. In fact who even says it has to be indoors? Maybe you could relax on a blanket beside gorgeous, sweetly scented rose bushes in your garden, or a bench under a tree. 9. WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS Sleep: the one thing that most of us can't get enough of and would never say no to more of - if only we had the time! Well now, we actually do have more time but worry during what is a very stressful time is giving even the most resilient among us plenty of sleepless nights. That's why it's more important than ever now to turn our bedrooms into calming, peaceful havens where we can relax and hopefully drift off into some much-needed, good-quality sleep. That's one of the reasons why, if it can be helped, you should never use your bedroom for working or studying in. It should ideally be kept clutter-free and as device- free as possible which might be hard, but we all know how technological gadgets interfere with our sleep. And if you suffer from allergies then its important to keep your sleeping area clean, tidy and dust-free. 10. PEOPLE! You can decorate your home any way you like but it's the people we love who bring the happiness and laughter into our homes. Admittedly we can't do much entertaining right now or have people over to stay, but this difficult time we're going through right now will be over, and then we can go back to parties, gatherings, movie or games nights, dinner parties etc. After all what's the point of having a beautiful home of you can't share it with your amazing family and friends? Photos: Pixabay Blog graphics: Angel Noire

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