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- The Photo-A-Day in October Challenge For The American Cancer Society
Just before October began, I decided to take part in the American Cancer Society's Photo a Day in October Challenge. It's the first time I'd ever taken part in any kind of fundraiser and it's for a cause that's very close to my heart. For the entire month, I’ve been posting one photo a day to raise funds and awareness for cancer research and support. And today that challenge came to an end. But the opportunity to raise more funds hasn't... What’s the Photo-A-Day in October Challenge? It’s quite simple really. For each day during the month of October, I posted a photo that follows one of the prompts - which are open to interpretation - set out by The American Cancer Society. I posted the photos to The American Cancer Society's Photo a Day in October Facebook page and my JustGiving page set up through The American Cancer Society (so all donations go straight to them, not me!) As the days went by, the challenge became more, well challenging especially due to ill-health! But I had to remind myself that it was for a brilliant cause that could benefit so many people so I just had to keep going. Why I’m Took on This Challenge The Photo a Day Challenge was a great, fun way to raise both awareness and funds. But behind all the fun was a very serious reason for why took part... When I first heard about this challenge, I jumped at the chance to participate. But then the doubts set in. I've never really done any kind of fundraising challenge before. Could I really do this initiative proud and raise enough money? Will I be consistent enough to take photos all throughout the month? Furthermore, my photography skills kind of suck - am I really the right person to be taking part in a photography challenge, especially one that's so important? Probably not. So before the challenge even got started, I'd talked myself out of it and figured I'd take part next year. But the night before the challenge started, I saw a heartbreaking announcement from a friend announcing the loss of a family member to cancer. Many of us have been affected by cancer in some way, whether it's a family member, friend, or our own personal experience. The American Cancer Society works tirelessly to fight this disease; raising awareness as well as funds for life-saving research and providing support to patients and their loved ones. I saw this challenge as a way to do my bit and contribute to a cause that means so much. So after reading the message from my friend who along with the rest of his family are obviously grieving terribly, I decided, at the eleventh hour, that I just had to take part. So I did! What You Can Do Even though the Photo a Day officially ended today, there's still ample opportunity for you to make a donation. You can head over to the JustGiving fundraising page and donate. Every cent counts so any donation, big or small, will be gratefully received. Furthermore you could always check out the photos of other participants and donate to their pages. It all goes to The American Cancer Society at the end of the day so it's all good! If you're not able to make any donations, and we know that not everyone can, then please feel free to share the fundraising page with others. As I've said, It all adds up to something bigger. Moreover, The American Cancer Society runs a whole variety of challenges throughout the year - perhaps there's something you'd like to take part in yourself? Let’s Make a Difference Together So thank you all in advance for your support, encouragement, donations, and for being a part of this important cause in any way that you can. Let’s make a difference together - one (hopefully great!) photo at a time.
- My Secretly Enjoyable Guilty Pleasures
Actress Jennifer Aniston once admitted that watching The Bachelor is her guilty pleasure. I watched one series back in 2012 where Courtney Robertson waltzed off into the sunset with her bachelor Ben Flajnik - The only time I've ever watched The Bachelor. I found the show to be over the top, contrived, and appeared to be scripted. It was something that people watched when they didn't want to engage in anything too intellectually taxing... but oh my goodness it was so addictive! I hated myself for not doing something more productive with my time but once I started watching I had to continue in order to find out who Ben would choose. But I made sure that it was to be the last series I watched! We all have our guilty pleasures in life. We all enjoy something which we feel a little bad for liking. And we shouldn't feel bad - after all no one is ever harmed while we pursue our guilty pleasures - but we can't help feeling a little bit naughty all the same. It got me thinking about my own guilty pleasures - and I had a lot more than I thought. Naughty Mrs. D! 1. Romance novels I wish I could say that I love rolling with the classics and I have a copy of War And Peace on my bedside table but that just wouldn't be true! I'm a sucker for romance novels and it's one of my ambitions to increase my collection of Danielle Steel and Mills and Boon novels. I'm lucky to be married to such a romantic man so there's no shortage of romance in this household but these novels do help to reaffirm my belief in love and romance (as if I need reaffirmation!) I'm sure I'll get around to War And Peace one day! 2. Puddings I have a ridiculously sweet tooth. My parents are big sugar fans so I reckon I inherited my sweet tooth from them - and my dad in particular loves puddings. And if there's lashings of custard, so much the better! I always stop off at M&S every Friday to ensure that I have enough yummy desserts and puddings to last until Sunday. During the cold winter months, there's nothing I enjoy more than to curl up with something sweet. Unfortunately it means that I go back on the promise that I made to myself to be healthier. Oh well - at least I'm sensible from Monday to Thursday! 3. Magazines I've loved magazines pretty much from the time I've been able to read. When I was a kid, my aunts and uncles used to spoil me with comics and kids magazines. As I was growing up, I'd sneak a peak at women's magazines that my mum and aunts used to buy before I graduated to pop music and teen mags. At one point, I used to buy pretty much every magazine that was out there (or so it seemed!) which looking back was a ridiculous waste of money. These days I limit myself to just two magazines a week which isn't too bad and provides me with something to read on my way to and from work. The only problem is that our home is permanently strewn with magazines and pages that I've ripped out from them. So far Mr. D hasn't complained... 4. Bargains! I get such a buzz from buying things I really want that have been reduced to a fantastically great price. Books, clothes, shoes - you name it; if the price is low enough, I'm snapping it up! I don't mind admitting that I'm a great bargain hunter and I try very hard not to pay full price if I can avoid it which often means waiting until it's on sale. Whether this is a good thing or not is debateable but at least I can honestly say that say that I've never annoyed a retailer - or embarrassed myself - by haggling in my quest for a good bargain. 5. Reading in the bath Reading in the bath is all very good if you live by yourself. But when you live with others, you run the risk of irritating them when you hog the bathroom while you indulge in a bubble-filled bath with a little light reading material. Whether it's a magazine or one of those romance novels, it's perfect 'me' time - especially when I throw a little chocolate into the mix! 6. Salon pampering OK so there's a lot of beauty treatments I pay for at professional salons which I could actually do myself at home thus saving money. But I'm often short of time (OK, a little lazy!) and I like being pampered. Grooming often feels like a chore when I have to do it myself. And it doesn't help that there is a salon right down the road from me... 7. Celebrity gossip I don't like gossip. I don't like people who gossip. I'm careful not to gossip or repeat things that I've heard especially if it sounds dubious. So why is it that I'm addicted to the celebrity gossip pages of a particular national newspaper? It's not only me but one of my closest friends as well who can't get enough of the same gossip column, and we can often be found at work discussing in great depth what we've just read about Angelina, Jordan and co. Mr. D is not impressed by any form of gossip and I have to admit I'm not too proud of myself either - but I try to convince myself that we're not gossiping about real people! 8. Take aways/Eating Out When I cook at home I save money, I know what's going in my food, and it's healthier. But there are some days when we just can't be bothered to enter the kitchen - especially when we're having a lazy weekend, in which case we'll phone to get something delivered. And if we happen to be in town, we'll stop off at one of our favourite restaurants. The food's always delicious but I can't pretend I don't feel guilty afterwards. 9. The Internet Ever since I discovered the benefits of being connected to the world wide web, it's totally taken over my life. I do use it constructively - most of the time - but then there are times I'm just aimlessly surfing and I can spend hours wasting time looking at sites with animals wearing silly hats and people doing funny dances! I'm not sure what's so addictive about the internet that it causes me to waste time when I actually do have things to do like sleep for example - but it's one of those things that can't be explained. 10. Bed! I may enjoy lounging around in the bath tub but I absolutely love my bed and no matter how much time I spend in my lovely comfy bed it's never enough time. It's where I sleep; read my magazines and romance novels; indulge in puddings; surf the net; eat my take always; shop for bargains on the internet, and of course snuggle up to my gorgeous hubby. But I think I need to get out more! What are your guilty pleasures? Photos: Pixabay Blog graphics: Angel Noire
- Where Have You Been All Our Lives! The Reverse Hair-Brushing Technique
At Peppermint Teal we get excited about methods, techniques and products that promote healthy and great-looking hair and skin while using as little 'nasties' or expensive, high-tech gadgets as possible. The more natural and inexpensive, the better. So when we came across this video on Yasuko Kawamura's YouTube channel for reverse hair brushing, we were instantly taken with it and had to find out more... Not to mention try it out for ourselves! Reverse hair brushing, also known as inverted hair brushing (but not to be confused with the inversion hair method which also promotes healthy hair growth but is a different technique) is something we hadn't come across before but we were drawn to it initially because it looked so satisfyingly relaxing and pampering, and appeared so simple to do. Plus we were intrigued by the use of the camelia oil and the wooden hair-brushing tools. Then we delved into the benefits of reverse hair brushing and the theory behind why it works and we just had to give it a go. So for those of you who are also new to reverse hair brushing and want to know more about it - read on! WHAT IS REVERSE HAIR BRUSHING? Kawamura has said that this type of brushing technique is very popular among celebrities in Japan in order to keep their hair beautiful and free of those pesky grey strands! It is a hair brushing technique that involves tipping your head forward and then brushing your hair from the base of your head to the tip of your hair as often as a hundred times. HOW DOES IT WORK? It is believed that brushing stimulates blood circulation to the scalp which is important for delivering more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. This is important for healthy hair and melanocytes - the cells in the deepest part of the skin's epidermis (incidentally, melanocytes are also found in eyes) which produces and contains melanin. By keeping your melanocytes active and producing melanin which is then taken up into the hair, this may help keep your hair's natural colour and prevent greying - or at least excessive greying. While we haven't come across scientific evidence to back up these claims, the jury definitely seems to be out regarding the effectiveness of reverse hair brushing - or just brushing in general and the part in plays in hair and scalp health. Beverley Hills-based Dr. Ken Washenik , Board member of the North American Hair Research Society, claims that the belief that brushing your hair vigorously so that your scalp is stimulated thus increasing hair growth, is not backed up by any scientific or medical study. Though Arizona-based trichologist William Gaunitz believes that brushing can help with healthy hair growth. If the comments posted on Yasuko Kawamura's video are anything to go by, it would appear that those who have tried reverse-hair brushing or have done so for years, are very happy with the results. Perhaps it depends on the individual. The only way to find out for yourself if this will work or not is to give it a go. After all - you've got to brush your hair anyway so what have you got to lose? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF REVERSE HAIR BRUSHING? Although Yasuko isn't making any wild claims, she does talk about this relaxing technique (one plus point already!) possibly helping to prevent grey hairs from appearing. She also states that it produces softer, smoother, more tangle-free hair. Yasuko doesn't mention anything about reverse hair brushing causing your hair to thicken or grow longer in record time. But people who have previously used various scalp massaging techniques have noticed such improvements so it's a possibility. Yasuko does go on to state that massaging the back of the head does give a facelift effect (though thankfully not of the aging-Hollywood starlet facelight variety!) and the reverse brushing technique can also help with that. How's that for an added bonus? HOW OFTEN SHOULD THIS TECHNIQUE BE DONE? When asked in the comments, Yasuko suggested once a day. Every other day can also work, but we also recommend taking a short break every so often to get better results. HOW LONG BEFORE YOU NOTICE RESULTS? Around one month but of course it varies from person to person WHAT DO YOU NEED? THE HAIR BRUSH And not just any old hair brush either! Because you need to massage the scalp, you don't want a brush that has sharp bristles. And it's best to avoid nylon or plastic brushes which can cause that dreaded staticky hair. No one wants to look like Mr. Majeika! A paddle brush with some cushioning, and wooden, fairly spaced-out, round-tipped bristles works best for this technique. Wix Yasuko Kawamura explains that in Japan, people would use combs or brushes made with boxwood. But boxwood brushes are far from cheap! Therefore bamboo makes a good substitute, doesn't create static, and requires less maintenance than boxwood. HAIR OIL Although the oil step is not essential, it is a welcome addition to the reverse brushing technique. Yasuko Kawamura uses camelia oil, also known as Tsubaki oil, which is an oil used in hair and skincare in Japan. When used in haircare, it creates soft, beautiful, manageable hair. If you cannot get hold of camelia oil, then use an oil that has great haircare benefits such coconut, avocado or olive. You can also add a drop of essential oil that also has great haircare benefits such as rosemary or lavender. Remember that you are not creating a hair mask treatment so you don't need a lot of oil. One to two drops of oil in the palm of your hand (depending on the length of your hair) and then rubbed into the tips of the hairbrush bristles is all you need. You can skip the oil step altogether if you worry that it will make your hair too oily, or maybe you can use the oil as and when you want to, if you don't want to use it every day. THE TECHNIQUE It couldn't be simpler! Tip your head and flip your hair forward. Remember that your hair must be completely dry to carry out this method as it's never advisable to brush wet or damp hair. Start brushing from the base of your head all the way down to the tips of your hair. You can do this one hundred times OR... you can brush for fifty strokes before flipping your head and hair back, and then brushing the regular way for another fifty strokes. A hundred strokes may sound like you'll be there for an hour but you'll you'll have completed this technique in minutes! THINGS TO NOTE Your hair might become quite greasy very quickly even though you're using the bare minimum amount of oil. This will mean washing your hair a lot more frequently which could result in dry hair. Either skip the oil step completely, or just incorporate the oil every so often. It might not be so comfortable for people who have issues with their neck, back or shoulders. This is one of the reasons why Yasuko suggested brushing fifty strokes each way. If you notice any damage to your hair, it's best to stop and switch to a more suitable hair-improvement method. It might be necessary to take a break every so often (perhaps a three or four days every two weeks) to get better results. Are you a curly-haired girl or guy and wondering if this method will work for you? Check out Angel's post to find out more! Many thanks to Yasuko Kawamura for bring the reverse hair-brushing technique to our attention. We may never have heard of it if it hadn't been for her. We had a great time testing it out. You can find out the results in the following post but the fact that we're going to carry on with the reverse hair brushing tells you everything you need to know! And thanks to the lovely Eri for providing information which contributed to this post. Photos: Pixabay Blog graphics: Angel Noire
- WNAAD Survivor Empowerment Summit 2024
There was a very interesting quote we came across once that made total sense to us. It stated: The devil doesn't come to you with horns and a tail... He comes to you as everything you ever wanted. For those of you who have ever had the misfortune to have suffered emotional torment at the hands of a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath, you'll know just how true that quote is. Sadly these monsters look a lot like the rest of us. They look human; they sound human; they smile at us; do kind deeds; are respectable pillars of the community and are there for you in your hour of need. But then one day, when you least expect it, the mask slips, and you see them for who they really are, and dudes and dudettes, it is not a pretty sight! June 1st marks World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day - an internationally recognized event that raises awareness of narcissistic abuse as well as providing education and resources for survivors. WNAAD was established in 2016 and now occurs on 1st June every year. It may only be eight years old but WNAAD is a growing global movement and is committed to raising awareness, providing support and education, and aims to take steps towards a change in policy. One of the topics we felt so strongly about highlighting here at Peppermint Teal was awareness regarding emotional abuse or any form of toxic, abusive behavior that falls under this term. Having known so many people - and we do mean so many - who have had the misfortune to have encountered a narcissist/sociopath/psychopath and suffered the after-effects, we felt that we needed to bring this issue to the fore. So this post for our The Mask Slipped feature is to announce the Survivor Empowerment Telesummit 2024 on 1st June #IfMyWoundsWereVisible What is narcissistic abuse? Many people are still a little confused as to what exactly narcissistic abuse is. Peppermint Teal is dedicated to promoting awareness on this subject so there will be more information in other posts as well as real-life stories from survivors who have managed to rebuild their lives. But simply put it's a form of psychological and emotional abuse. Unlike physical abuse which leaves visible cuts, bruises and broken bones, victims of any kind of emotional abuse wear their wounds on the inside - mentally and emotionally, hence why WNAAD came up with the hashtag #IfMyWoundsWereVisible That's not to say that the abuse can't later become physical but many of the abusers are often too clever, too charming and too subtle for that. Many people suffering from narcissistic abuse don't even realise that what's happening to them is a legitimate form of abuse. Somewhere down the line they may realise that something doesn't feel right but can't quite explain what and why. Family and friends will notice that something's wrong but not know what it is or even how to help. For those of us who have endured narcissistic abuse, we know just how awful, confusing and scary it is. World Narcissist Abuse Awareness Day exists to highlight the problem and raise the profile of narcissistic abuse. Thankfully more people are becoming aware of this issue but there are still plenty more who have no idea as to what narcissist abuse is; what it involves; how to spot the signs; how to help someone who may be a victim, or how to escape such a situation if you are a victim yourself. Why is it necessary to raise awareness of narcissistic abuse? Narcissistic abuse is a problem that goes by undetected until it's usually too late - but the epidemic of narcissistic abuse is escalating. But sadly there isn't enough education, campaigning or funding to tackle this subject. According to the WNAAD website, studies indicate that between 1% and 6% of the population suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and that's just narcissists alone - this statistic does not include the other cluster B disorders. It is estimated that in a lifetime, each individual suffering from NPD will have relationships with approximately five partners, thus highlighting the enormity and grave impact of this abuse. But although we know the number of people affected by NPD is huge, it is difficult to calculate a near enough exact number. One thing that people often forget is that the narcissist isn't always a partner: it could be a parent, child, or other family member, friend, housemate, or colleague - in short, it could be anyone. Survivor Empowerment Telesummit 2024 The Survivor Empowerment Summit is a two day online summit, where speakers - mental health practitioners and leading experts on the issue - will be giving advice and sharing insights. Because the issue of narcissistic abuse is one that's very close to our hearts at Peppermint Teal, we're delighted that people are now talking about it and awareness is being raised because it gives the narcissist less place to hide and hopefully they'll never cause pain or mental anguish to another human being again. For those of you who are interested in the Survivor Empowerment Telesummit and wish to register you can do so at Images: Stated under image Banner: Angel Noire using images from Pixabay Word cloud: Angel Noire
- 15 Ways... With Non-book Gift Ideas For Avid Readers
Many of us are finding the idea of buying presents more than a little overwhelming. But when you have a good idea of what the recipient is into, that's half the battle over with and you're on the right path towards finding something you know they'll enjoy. Giving well-thought out gifts is one of the loveliest things about special occasions - seeing the joy on someone’s face as they tear off the gift wrap and see something they've been hoping for is always a delight. It won't come as any surprise to you any of you that at Peppermint Teal, we love to read. Losing yourself in a good book is a wonderful to destress leaving you feeling so much more relaxed and revived. And when you throw tea and cake into the mix - it's one of our favourite methods of self-care - definitely great for the soul! And when you feel like being sociable, there's nothing like being part of a reading group and getting stuck into a riveting discussion about that month's read. Just think - you fave book could lead you to making new friends! So to us, books are so much more than just words on a page. So that's why we created this post specifically with book lovers in mind. But what do you buy someone who likes to read? Well a book of course! True, anyone who enjoys reading would be grateful to receive a new book to get stuck into as a gift. But what if you feel like getting the bookworm in your life something slightly different..? Even though we know books are very much their thing, book-buying for the avid reader can sometimes be a challenge. How do we know they'll love the book we've bought them? What if they already have it on their bookshelf or have downloaded it onto their Kindle? Perhaps they've already read it before - and worse still hated it! Or maybe just maybe, you don't want to be totally predictable and buy them yet another book especially if you think everyone else will be getting them something to read. The smart choice might be to get them a gift that isn't a book but is still related to their love of reading. Some book-themed merchandise maybe? Something they can use while they escape into yet another novel? Or maybe something that'll look fab in their new reading nook. Believe us - there are so many options with regards to buying gifts for reading fanatics. It's not all just books - as great as they are. If you wish to purchase something a little different for them, you just need to use a little imagination and think outside... the book! So we've come up with ideas for non-book gifts that you could give to a book aficionado and if you're a bit of a bookworm yourself, there's no reason why you shouldn't treat yourself too! For many of the items mentioned here, there are also book-themed versions available if you want to really amp up the literary connection. 1. BOOK VOUCHERS OK, this isn't the most groundbreaking of gift ideas when it comes to buying a present for a book fan, and a bit of a safe option (this list gets a bit more interesting as we go on - promise!) But if there's one thing that avid readers love more than receiving a new book, it's receiving a voucher so that they can head down to their nearest book shop and purchase a copy of the latest book they've had their eye on. And at least this way you'll know that they're bound to get a book they really, really want! 2. BOOKMARKS We know, we know - another simple idea! But let's face it book lovers - those who prefer to read printed books anyway - can never have too many bookmarks. Furthermore, book marks are a gift item that's quite reasonably priced so it'll be quite easy on your pocket. And if it's a gift that you're going to post, you can just slip it into a card. You can get a wide variety of bookmarks and not just the type made from card. There's some lovely resin ones; laser cut-out wood or metal; leather; magnetic ones that attach to the corner of a page... If you're a bit crafty, you could always crochet them a pretty and unique bookmark. 3. BOOK SLEEVES Books are very precious to book aficionados so this one is perfect for someone who loves their printed books. Book sleeves are a type of pouch, usually with a zip that can fit over individual books that keep them safe and limit damage while they're being jostled about among the many other possessions in your bag. Once again, if you're a bit on the crafty side, you could always knit, crochet, or sew a book sleeve, and no doubt the extra effort will be appreciated. If the recipient prefers to read eBooks, then a sleeve for their tablet is another option. 4. TOTE BAG A book sleeve is ideal for one book, but you'll need something a bit more roomier if you have more than one book. A simple tote bag makes a great book bag for someone who likes to cart a few books around with them. And yes you've guessed it - if you're handy with a needle and thread, you could always sew one up for them! There are also some lovely book-themed tot bags around that the avid reader would just adore! 5. READING JOURNAL/PLANNER Planners and journals are all the rage these days. There are ones for health and fitness; mindfulness; achieving goals, and there are plenty of journals and planners out there aimed at those who like to read. We reckon it's a must have for bibliophiles. Reading journals or planners are an excellent way to track your reading, remind yourself of your favourite reads, and help you remember what you'd like to read next. 6. PERSONAL LIBRARY KIT We thought that we knew everything there was to know about book-related products on the market but we had no idea that library kits are actually a thing! Where have we been! Personal library kits are a gift option that's more aimed at the 'generous bookworm' - the reader who likes to loan out their books to others. It's always nice to share... but it's not so nice when what you've loaned out is not returned! Library kits save book owners from having to remember what they have loaned out and to whom, and whether or not the books were returned. While we know that there's probably an app for this, a library kit is for those who like to keep things a little more 'old school.' Library kits come with items such as a rubber stamp and ink pad; checkout cards; pencils, self-adhesive pockets and anything else that makes you feel like a librarian before everything went high-tech! Come to think of it, these library kits might also make a good gift for a bookworm who actually does work in a library! 7. BEVERAGES And no we don't mean a can of coke! There is a reason why there are cafes located within many libraries and bookshops nowadays - because books and beverages, especially cosy warming drinks, go together hand in hand! Who wouldn't like to be sipping on something delicious and comforting while they're getting swept away in another great story? So what better gift could you give a bibliophile than a nice selection of teas or maybe even a year-long tea subscription? The book lover who loves tea just as much as they love reading will be spoilt for choice on deciding what brew to have before they settle down to read a good book. And if tea's not their thing, then there's coffee, hot chocolate... or maybe even something stronger! Whiskey anyone? 8. EDIBLE TREATS As the White Witch in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe correctly said, it is dull to drink without eating, so perhaps you'd like to give the recipients some edible goodies to go with the beverages! Cakes, cookies and brownies are great to munch on while you're enjoying a hot drink and a good read. Boxes of chocolate or fudge are also a great treat. If you don't want to order something that's ready-made, you could always buy them kits for cakes, scones or muffins for instance, were they can make themselves some freshly-baked goodies for when they're ready to settle down to read. Or if they like baking as much as they enjoy reading, perhaps you can get them some bakeware so that they can whip up some bakes to enjoy while they're reading. If you yourself are a dab-hand at baking, perhaps you can rustle up some book-shaped cakes or cookies, or literary themed cupcakes. You could also give them edible treats connected to their favourite read or a well-known book. For example Turkish delight (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) mix for currant buns (A Little Princess) hot chocolate or chocolate fondue kits (Chocolat) gift box with ingredients to make a treacle tart (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.) You could also give them a framed piece of kitchen art you've designed yourself featuring the recipe. For more inspiration regarding food, recipes and books, check out The Book Club Cook Book by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp. The possibilities when it come to giving edible goodies as gifts for book-lovers are endless! 9. FOOD/DRINK ACCESSORIES We've already established how food and drink partner really well with books. But now you'll need something to eat them off and drink them out of! Mugs, china teacups and saucers, teapots or a nice tray to transport edible and drinkable goodies and reading material over to the reading space are gifts that will be very well received. 10. GET COSY! We always think of reading as such a cosy activity - and at Peppermint Teal, we're big fans of cosy self-care rituals! Does anyone know a book-lover who doesn't enjoy getting all cosy and comfy while getting stuck into a novel? So for the book worm in your life, how about the ultimate in gifts that spell comfort and warmth so that they can get extra comfy while indulging in their favourite pursuit? Fluffy blankets; cosy socks; hot water bottles with wooly covers, shawls and large cushions are all great ideas. One of the advantages of giving such gifts is that they are practical gifts that can be used at anytime and not just for reading, and they'll come in extra handy during the autumn and winter months. 10. CANDLES While we don't think that reading by candlelight is great for your eyes, but continuing with the cosy theme, we do think that having lit candles while you're reading adds to the ambience - especially if they're beautifully scented with a fragrance that promotes relaxation. 11. OUTDOOR ACCESSORIES These are gifts that will appeal to those who love to read outdoors. Though if you're going to give these as Christmas presents, chances are they won't be able to use these for a few more months - unless you live in Oz! These gifts are similar to those mentioned under 'cosy' but these will be blankets, rugs and cushions that are outdoor, waterproof, and more portable versions that you can use in your back garden, or take to the park or beach. A sun hat or sunglasses might also be very well received. 12. TICKETS TO A BOOK FAIR We can't think of a single bibliophile who wouldn't relish the prospect of being surrounded by all things literary. So buying them a ticket to an upcoming book/writers/literary festival will be right , or write (hehe!) up their street! These events are a fantastic way of bringing writers and readers together in certain towns or cities. It's an opportunity to hear readings by authors; talk to writers and publishers; discover new book titles; have books signed; listen to poetry recitals, and even watch acting performances. It's a great occasion for people who really enjoy the creative scene and the written word, and no doubt a lot of fun for those who really enjoy reading. 13. THEATRE /CINEMA TICKETS An avid reader might like to see the pages of their favourite novel come to life on the stage or on the big screen. So if there is a play or film adaptation of a novel that's just been released, you might want to treat your readaholic friend to tickets... and they can see which version of the literary work they prefer. It'll definitely make for an interesting discussion! 14. READING SUBSCRIPTION BOX We're looking at ideal gifts for readers that are not books but we have to admit - this one might actually contain a book! But book subscription boxes are such a lovely gift to receive that we just had to include it in this list. Each company will offer different items with their boxes but you can generally find things like bookmarks; candles; edible treats, mugs and so much more. If it's a bit daunting to subscribe for boxes on a monthly basis, a one-off gift box will still be very much appreciated. 15. BOOK THEMED ITEMS There's a whole host of book-themed and book-shaped gifts out there that book lovers will just die for! Jewelry; t-shirts; sweaters; vases; socks; tree ornaments, even hair accessories. You name it, it's there! There are no end of possibilities when it comes to buying gifts for the bibliophiles in your life. Hope we've inspired you with some of our ideas! Photos: Wix GIFs: Wix Blog graphics: Angel Noire
- Making the Most Of Your Local Library
Reading is such a fun, enjoyable and relaxing hobby. For many of us, just being in a place surrounded by books can make you feel happy, cosy and relaxed, be it a bookshop; a book fair, or your very own uniquely-created reading nooks. But when we think of a place with wall to wall books, the most obvious place that springs to mind is of course - the library! A place full of free books of all different genres with cosy chairs where we can sit and enjoy them? What's not to like! Many of us will have developed our love of books and libraries when we were tiny children just learning to read and our parents enrolled us at the local library. Then there was the school library where we could pick out books for our weekly read or get on with some homework. When we went to college, some of us practically lived at the campus library! Admittedly that wasn't so much for pleasure as much as the need to hurriedly get our assignments done. But for many of us, libraries have been a big part of our lives for a very long time. But as we get older and libraries become less of a necessity, many of us don't use libraries the way that we used to and it's such a shame. Libraries, sadly appear to be on the decline, and are receiving less funding due to government cutbacks. Therefore it's essential to use them while we still can in order to prove that libraries are a vital part of our community. True, libraries aren't solely about books like they once were. In fact these days many libraries only carry about half the amount of print books that they once did, as they gear themselves towards various other services. But libraries are still wonderful places to sit and read; check out new book titles, or catch up on work in peaceful surroundings. And for those of us who love books, actual books, there's no other place where we'd rather be. So here are ten reasons why libraries are awesome and why we should all be making the most of our local library, and ways in which we can do so. 1. SAVE SPACE, SAVE MONEY! For those of you who own and actually make proper use of your Kindle, you're already saving space and money! But for those of us who like to have an actual book in our hands while we're reading, we know just how much space a huge book collection can take up, especially for those of us who are living in more compact surroundings as many of us are having to do now. This way, you get to borrow books from the library and return them when you've finished before moving on to your next read - meaning that your bookshelves won't be groaning under the pressure of all that added weight! Furthermore, as it's free to borrow books from the library, you'll be able to read any and as many books as you wish and it won't cost you a penny - providing of course that you return the books on time and don't rack up any fines! 2. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! A library is a fantastic way to discover new authors and new genres, and basically acquaint yourself with the kind of literary works you might otherwise not have come across. But even with the type of reading material that you are normally quite familiar with, it's still possible to pick up a book that you are less than satisfied with. While book reviews give potential readers an idea of whether or not they will enjoy a book, the only definite way to know if we will enjoy a book or not is, surprise surprise, to read it! This is where libraries come to the rescue because you can of course read a book without spending a penny on it. If the book turns out to be a disappointment, you'll have lost nothing. But if you love it that much, you can go out and purchase your own copy - which is something us book lovers love to do! 3. THE ALL-IMPORTANT LIBRARY BOOK SALE! Most libraries have a section where you can regularly buy books that they no longer wish to loan out. The best one we've seen so far is at The Morse Institute in Natick Massachusetts. And in addition to this, every so often libraries have a massive book sale where they sell off a large number of old books to make space for newer titles. You can buy these books at bargain prices, in many cases much lower than your local charity shop or thrift store with the possibility of setting up your own second-hand bookshop - if you wish to do so! We are all aware of why it's important to cut down on waste and reuse whatever we can, so these book sales are a great idea. Plus with books facing extinction, it's a great opportunity to rescue as many books as possible and give them a new home. Though going back to point number one, your bookshelves may not thank you for it! 4. MAGAZINES GALORE Another thing facing extinction are of course newspapers and magazines - and with the prices of these, it's hardly a surprise! True many publications have moved online but with many of us old-schoolers, nothing beats having the actual copy in our hands. Again this is where libraries come in handy, as many now carry an astounding number of magazine titles - probably more so than most stationers and newsagents nowadays, once again saving you space and money. The Morse Institute in Natick, and Millis Public Library both in Massachusetts, are two libraries we've come across that holds an impressive number of titles, and The Morse Institute in particular has a delightful reading room for readers to enjoy them in. Hopefully your own local library is equally, or at least almost, as good. 5. WORK SPACE As anyone who lives in a town or city will know, such locations have something of a coffee-shop culture, and the humble coffee shop has become something of an office for many people these days. Entrepreneurs, budding authors or just anyone who wants to escape the office and can work remotely can all be found setting up shop at a table at a café or coffee shop. J.K. Rowling started out writing the Harry Potter books over cups of tea at The Elephant Room in Edinburgh after all! But we've always found libraries to be much more suitable places to work and study in. Quiet, peaceful surroundings with books galore, computers and all sorts of other office equipment and services... what more could you want? Furthermore a lot of libraries now have private rooms and areas where you can hold conversations which is ideal for taking those all important phone calls! 6. WORK OR VOLUNTEER Libraries are also places that can provide employment or volunteering opportunities. If you enjoy working with people and love being surrounded by books all day, what better place could there be to work than in a library? Admittedly it can be hard to get into library work but you can always start out by volunteering. Ask at your local library if there are any voluntary positions available. And you can go to the library's or local council's website to see if there are are job posts available. 7. BOOK CLUB What? A library? Holding book club meetings? Well I never! OK, so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that your local library might have it's own reading groups (kind of goes with the territory!) Book clubs are a great way to ensure consistent reading, and you get to talk about the novel you've just finished with a group of likeminded people. So it's also a great way to socialise and who knows - you might even make a new friend or two! If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, then it 's a good idea to check to see if your library has such groups, and if they don't - why don't you think about starting your own? Maybe even geared towards the kind of books you enjoy reading. Ask your friendly librarian about how to go about creating your own reading group at the library. 8. ASSISTANCE AND EDUCATION Libraries offer a range of services these days. It's not all about books, you know! Although if you ask us books are always the best part of any library! But if you need help writing up your CV and cover letters or need business advice, you can book a session with a mentor who will come in to the library at specific times in order to assist those who need their help. Local MPs have even been known to occasionally set up shop in libraries in order to give help and advice to the locals. And then there are classes that teach you practical skills such as basic computing, numeracy and literacy, all free of charge. See what educational services and assistance your library offers to the public. 9. FUN ACTIVITIES Libraries in more recent times, really have become a cultural and social hub of the community and not just a place to borrow books. You can learn languages; do arts and crafts classes; attend the book or film clubs, and there are often special events for children. Then there are events with authors, poets and other guest speakers. Most of these activities and events are completely free of charge. One of our favourite libraries is Redbridge Central Library and Museum in Ilford, just on the outskirts of London, England. Apart from the fantastic array of books in this very spacious library, the top floor is dedicated to a local history museum which showcases a different exhibit every month. And there's also a delightful little café situated on the ground floor just as you enter the library that serves up a delicious and relatively inexpensive iced coffee or hot brew. 10. COSY VIBES Most libraries are delightful, cosy places where you can take some time out for yourself; reading a good novel, or quietly getting on with some work or study. The library might not be everyone's idea of the place to be, but if you're someone who enjoys quiet time and cosy vibes, then the library might just be for you. You can even bring a non-messy craft project (knitting, embroidery etc.) or get out your tablet and earbuds and watch a movie while being surrounded by books. Sounds like bliss to us! Blog graphics: Angel Noire
- Spring is Here... And So is Peppermint Teal's Spring Cleaning Checklist - It's Free!
Spring has descended upon us, and apart from cherry blossoms on the trees; pastels being the hues of the day and the arrival of little lambs, the season is also significant for something else - spring cleaning! As soon as spring begins, there are many who'll immediately roll up their sleeves and set to work cleaning their homes from top to bottom. Then there are some of us who tend to take our own sweet time just picking up a mop! Although we adore the winter months, we have to admit there's something delightful in seeing the first rays of the spring sunshine. It's also very pleasing to open up windows, letting in the fresh spring air and flinging out all those old winter cobwebs. It's also very liberating to free ourselves from the cocoon of winter blankets; thick jumpers and heavy coats and boots - as cosy as all that is - and to switch over to something much lighter. And spring cleaning is a wonderful way of cleansing and purifying your living space in order to welcome in the new season. It's almost as though you're letting in the spring light and warmth into your home. But let's be honest - cleaning, scrubbing, tidying and organizing isn't everyone's idea of a wild time. Not unless you're Monica from Friends! And sometimes doing such a big clean up and tidy can be quite overwhelming and stressful. You wonder if you've got into all the nooks and crannies; if you've missed a spot; if you've gotten into all the corners. And when you think of all that you need to do, you often feel like giving up before you've even started! That's why we've put together this spring cleaning checklist which helps as the perfect guide in getting your home in order. Don't be startled by the list of tasks that are included in the planner - or that the planner is twelve pages long! And no it is NOT twelve pages full of tasks, so don't worry! Some tasks may not apply to you; many are jobs that take less than five minutes - and you can always rope in family and friends to help you out and delegate tasks you don't quite fancy doing yourself! You have the option of using the cleaning checklist straight from your device once you've downloaded it or you can print it out and keep it in a binder if that's more your thing (definitely more my thing - Angel!) There is also a printer-friendly version included in the download if you'd prefer to use less ink. The checklist is FREE and available to members of Peppermint Teal (go to the Member's Freebies area.) If you're not already a member, you can sign up and get access to loads of other freebies that Peppermint Teal like to give away, as well as comment on posts and join in with discussions in the group forums. So it pays to be a member... especially as you don't have to pay a penny! So what are you waiting for??? Happy spring, everyone! Photos: Wix Blog graphics: Angel Noire
- Quips of an Angel #2: Week 2 of Frengellica Starts Here!
Our first full week of being Frengellicafied - and it's been pretty good! The weather has picked up a lot but I suppose it'll be a while before things return to some kind of normal with regards to going out and about. That hasn't stopped The Mister and I from going out for a kayak around the pond where the only creatures he has to socially distance from are the beavers and the odd deer! Hope everyone is staying safe and in good health x So what's on Frengellica this week? If the only thing you've got to complain about after the few months of extreme hand-washing is dry hands, then you're lucky! But that said - no one really wants the kind of hands you can grate cheese on. So check out our Beauty Larder post on the milk and honey hand treatment. I've had dry skin pretty much my whole life and during periods when my skin is very dry, I use milk on my skin instead of water. It's very moisturizing and hydrating, and I really notice the difference. After about two days, my skin comes back to life again. So I'll be resorting to this treatment for my currently extremely arid hands! I love chocolate desserts (who doesn't!) so check out our post for a rather unusual chocolate dessert Hot Chocolate Lava Puddle in our feature Wake Me Up Before Your Cacao... Definitely one for the chocoholics! Aside from baking banana bread (2020 will always be remembered as the year there was an abundance of banana bread and a lack of bog roll. And nobody can explain either of those!) And another thing we did while we were all told to stay home was get our craft on. I've been a crafter from way back when and in the past I've dabbled in soap making, floristry, jewellery-making, wedding favours, papercrafts, gift baskets, beadwork... and as you can imagine all kinds of crafty nik-naks are scattered all around my house. But since last September, I've got into crochet in a big way. I picked it up almost immediately and now I'm... hooked! So crochet has most definitely been my thing while we've been isolating. And I'm very pleased to say that I've moved on from scarves and headbands and now progressed to crocheted tops. Keep this up and I may never have to actually buy clothes again. At least that's what I tell The Mister! So if you're a crafting pro, then you're sure to get 10 Things You'll Understand If You're a Craft Addict. June 1st marks World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day (WNAAD) an internationally recognized event that raises awareness of narcissistic abuse as well as providing education and resources for survivors. At Frengellica, we're thrilled that there is an event that highlights this growing issue and brings it to people's attention because there's still a lot of people out there who have no idea what narcissistic abuse is. Those of you who watch Coronation Street will have seen what Geoff has been putting his wife Yasmeen through, and EastEnders' fans will have seen what charmer Gray is really like behind closed doors, in scenes that are highly uncomfortable to watch. As many people watch soap operas, it's great that the writers are developing these storylines and bringing these issues to people's attention. But if it's uncomfortable to watch a soap character have to endure this abuse, can you imagine what it's like for real-life victims? There will be a two day online summit, The Survivor's Empowerment Summit starting on 1st June where speakers - mental health practitioners and leading experts on this subject - will be giving advice and sharing insights. Check out our post on how to get involved. #ifmywoundswerevisible Photos: Pixabay or Angel Noire as stated Word cloud: Angel Noire
- Pomegranate Roseberry Sparkler
A deliciously fruity cocktail, delicately fragranced with rose, and just the right amount of fizz! Try our Pomegranate Roseberry Sparkler. POMEGRANATE ROSEBERRY SPARKLER Prep time: 5 mins Serves: 4 Ingredients: 500ml pomegranate juice 50gm raspberries, pureed and strained 1tbsp. rosewater 200ml sparkling wine Seeds from one pomegranate, muddled Pink or red rose petals to garnish THIS IS HOW WE DO IT! 1. Add the pomegranate juice to the muddled pomegranate seeds and stir well. 2. Add the rosewater. 3. Divide the raspberry puree between the four glasses. 4. Half fill the glass with the pomegranate juice. 1. Mix the pomegranate juice, rosewater, pomegranate seeds, and raspberry puree in a jug. 2. Half-fill four glasses with the pomegranate mixture. 3. Top up with the sparkling wine. 4. Garnish with rose petals. 5. Enjoy! Main Image: Pixabay Banner: Angel Noire using Pixabay images Word cloud: Angel Noire
- Look After The Money, Honey! The All-Important Financial Detox
Money comes and money goes... but for some of us, money seems to be going out a lot faster than it's coming in! For many of us, news of the latest economic crisis is nothing new. In fact we've even come to expect it! We wonder if it will ever get better. More people over thirty-five in the UK are living with their parents or doing houseshares than ever before; many people are finding it hard to get on the property ladder; jobs are in short supply, and we can all safely say that the cost of living is going up at an alarming rate. And it's a horrible thought but with the state pension age steadily going up, it appears that now more than ever we need to take serious care of our finances. And with the spread of the recent pandemic which has seen many businesses suffer, and thousands out of work, many more people are sadly experiencing financial hardship. Some of us have even discovered that that rainy day fund hasn't been as much of a back-up plan as we thought because we had been saving up for a rainy day. Not a tsunami! Some of us are naturals when it comes to taking care of our money and have been since we were given our very first piggy bank. We know how to save; how much we need saved; when to spend; where to get great deals; how to budget; the differences between various banks and bank accounts; what to invest in... these people really need to start giving lessons! But then there are the rest of us. Oh dear! There is however, great news on the horizon. First of all we can all apply that 'never too late' mantra to ourselves. Even if we've been totally rubbish with money in the past, it's not too late to learn - especially from our past (or even current) mistakes: understand where we went wrong, know how to do things differently and try not to repeat those mistakes. And the even better news is that the beginner's course in looking after your money doesn't require you to have the skills of a financial expert. With a few simple tweaks, you can really make a difference in your spending habits, and as you watch your savings grow every month, this will spur you on to take your money-saving habits to the next level. That's not to say that things will change overnight. Good habits take a while to develop, especially if you've been used to doing things a certain way for a long time now. But it can get better. Here's a story from Beth* in which she describes the hard lessons she learned regarding money. Beth thought she was fully in control of her spending and saving habits until things started to go wrong... CASE STUDY: BETH'S STORY When I graduated from university fifteen years ago I was very fortunate to have found a job almost immediately in retail management. I was with the company for five years and worked my way up to area manager. During that time, I learned to manage my money. I lived within my means and didn't go on mad spending sprees - which could so easily have happened! I set up three bank accounts: one for outgoings and two for savings. I thought I was being very sensible and grown up. I was still living at home so all I was paying for were my phone bills and the internet. All in all, I was quite pleased with myself. But then things went wrong. The company I worked for were going through a very bad period and staff cuts had to be made. I ended up losing my job. I wasn't overly worried at that point as I believed that I'd be able to find another job as quickly as I had found that one. I was wrong. Lots of people were out of work and there weren't enough jobs available. I was out of work for six months before I was able to find work as a receptionist at a hotel. I was obviously grateful to have found a job but it paid a lot less than what I had been earning before so it meant that I still had to dip into my savings which were, by now, not as healthy as they once were. I was also furious to discover that the accounts that I'd set up weren't as brilliant as I'd been led to believe and I earned hardly anything in terms of interest (yes my advice did come from the bank!) Which goes to show that you should always read the small print and make sure you fully understand it; keep up to date so you know if any changes are being made, and don't be afraid to ask questions until you get a definite answer. Compared to a lot of people, I was definitely one of the lucky ones: I had no children and I still lived at home, so those were two less things for me to worry about. It took a good few years to get myself back on my feet financially. I was then able to move out of home - though I wasn't able to move into a place of my own immediately. I had to do a house share, which wasn't as bad as house shares go and the rent was pretty low, so once again, I was quite fortunate. There's a part of me that bitterly regrets not getting my foot on the property ladder when I had the chance to do so - when it was far more easier to get a mortgage than it is now. I suppose living at home with my parents, being a homeowner was not really something I gave much thought to. Plus I was too busy having a good time rather than seriously thinking about the future. I always thought I'd have time to do so when I was ready, not knowing what lay ahead. But that said, I know that losing my job when I did would have meant that I had the added burden of a mortgage and difficulty making the repayments. Perhaps I would have found a way around that - help from my parents maybe. We'll never know now but the sensible side of me knows that the time was wrong to be a property owner so it's probably just as well. I'm also sorry that I didn't take care of my finances better. There were things I could have done: shopped around to get better deals; asked people for advice; saved more etc. I'm thankful that I'm now able to start renting a flat which I will move into soon. Of course I do wish that I was able to own my own home but... maybe one day... Thankfully Beth's story wasn't disastrous, and there's a lot to be learned from her experience. Unfortunately there are people who have ended up in far worse situations. Unless your name is Mystic Meg, it's very difficult to predict what is around the corner. And as we've recently discovered, there are some circumstances which are totally, completely and utterly beyond our control. But there are ways in which we can lessen the impact. So a financial detox - not to mention a little common sense - is a must. It's not going to sort your finances out overnight but it's a start and with perseverance you should find yourself in a more stable financial position. GUIDE TO FINANCIAL DETOXING 1. DECIDE WHAT'S IMPORTANT: You won't be able to get back the money you've lost, spent or frittered away. But it's not too late to make changes in order to manage and improve your financial health. Make a list of all your outgoings - all the things you spend your hard earned cash on! Looking at the list, think of the things you: need (e.g.- phone, rent, utilities, travel) can go without completely (e.g.- grabbing a coffee on your way to work; buying things you know you won't use!) can cut down on (e.g. - eating out, sales shopping etc.) 2. TAKE ACTION: Think about at least three simple things that you can do now that will help you to save money. These might include: Reading online magazines and newspapers rather than buying them everyday (yes, some people do still buy them!) Drinking coffee at home before you get to work. Cancelling old direct debits. Making a weekly food planner to reduce food wastage. Only shopping for clothes during sales... or avoiding the sales if you're likely to buy things you don't need and won't use. Borrowing books from your local library rather than buying them. Taking a different route to avoid stores, coffee shops etc. 3. SORT OUT PAPERWORK: Find the past 12 months of bank statements, credit card statements, pay slips etc. Organize them: if you have paper copies, put them in order with the most recent on top. Save online copies to your desktop. 4. CHECK OUTGOINGS: Write down - preferably on an Excel spreadsheet - your monthly outgoings. Divide it into key categories: rent/mortgage bills food travel motor vehicles household items health clothing leisure etc. Don't forget yearly costs such as TV licence, MOT, holiday expenses etc. 5. SNEAKY CASH TACTICS: Bank statements don't tell you everything about your outgoings. Think about all the things that you might pay for in cash: travel fare; fast food; cigarettes; alcohol; coffee; chocolates etc. Add these outgoings onto your spreadsheet. 6. ANALYSE OUTGOINGS: Pay attention to your outgoings in terms of energy, phone, car insurance etc. - can you get better deals elsewhere? Once your phone contract has expired, don't immediately upgrade. Instead opt for a 'SIM only' deal. You can absolutely get some great deals - you won't even miss having a phone contract, and some of you may even breathe a sigh of relief as you're released from the shackles of a phone contract. So you won't get the latest flashy handset but you could make massive savings. 7. THE RAINY DAY FUND Speak to someone at the bank about setting up a savings account that can be linked to your current account. When you make savings, either on your weekly shopping or travel etc. it can be put into your savings account. Some of us may think we're doing pretty well with our savings, but according to experts we should ideally have three to six months income stashed away 'just in case' - so get saving people! 8. SET A REALISTIC WEEKLY/MONTHLY BUDGET Once you have a better idea of your incomings and outgoings, you'll be able to set a realistic weekly/monthly budget and keep a closer eye on your money. 9. PAY WITH CASH OK, OK... we're hear shouts of "Who on earth pays with cash these days!" There's a lot of talk about us moving towards a cashless society, and most people opt to pay with plastic for just about everything, no matter how small the purchase. But many who choose to pay with their flexible friend - whether it's a debit or credit card - often say that they forget that they're actually paying for things. They just feel like they're handing over a bit of plastic! It's only when they check statements, the shock of how much they've actually spent hits them. Hard! Try to get into the habit of paying for cash wherever possible. We're not a cashless society yet so why not? Because you're handing over actual money, it makes you more conscious of what you're spending, and may even encourage you to budget throughout the day. And if you're someone who doesn't like carrying much cash - and you can't be expected to pay for your fortnight to the Bahamas in fives and tens - then keep a written note of your spending throughout the day which you check regularly to ensure no nasty surprises later on. 10. GET A JAR FOR YOUR LOOSE CHANGE! Admittedly you're not going to become a multi-millionaire by filling a jam jar with coins you find lying around the house but you will be amazed by what it all adds up to. Some have said they've found enough to treat themselves to something almost every month whether that's a meal in a restaurant or a new pair of shoes. Or a decent top up for their savings account. So start searching down the back of the sofa now! Images: Pixabay Banner: Angel Noire using Pixabay images Word Cloud: Angel Noire * Of course that's not her real name!
- 15 Ways... To Get Your Five-A-Day... Without Even Trying!
The road to healthy living is paved with good intentions: getting more sleep; exercising regularly; drinking more water, and consuming the all-important five portions of fruit and veg every day. There are some lucky people who have no problems getting their five-a-day. And despite the fact that most of us love fruits and veggies and have no aversion to them, we also love chocolate, cakes, pastries and anything sugary and stodgy. And more often than not, that's what we tend to opt for - especially when we need to dash. It seems such a mission to remember to eat healthily with our fast-track lifestyles where we're always on the go. So we convince ourselves many a time that the jam tart we're scoffing is actually quite healthy because it contains jam which is made from, er, fruit; that coffee and chocolate are good for you because they are made from beans; chips are made from potatoes which is a vegetable so all good in the hood there, and sugar comes from a plant - need we say more! But seriously, who are we trying to kid? SO WHAT COUNTS AS A PORTION OF FRUIT OR VEG? There seems to be a great deal of confusion as to what constitutes a single serving of fruit or vegetables but it's widely believed to be around 80g. The following are examples of single servings: 1 150ml glass of pure fruit juice 1 thick slice of pineapple or melon 3 heaped tablespoons of pulses or beans 1 apple, pear, orange, banana or other similar sized fruit 2 plums or kiwi fruit 1⁄2 a grapefruit 3 heaped tablespoons of vegetables 1/2 an avocado 3 heaped tablespoons of fruit salad 1 heaped tablespoon of raisins or sultanas 3 heaped tablespoons of stewed fruit 3 dried apricots 1 cupful of grapes, cherries or berries 1 small bowl of salad With the exception of potatoes, which are very starchy and aren’t included in the recommended five a day, all other fruit and vegetables count, whether they're fresh, frozen, dried, tinned, or pure juices. But it's worth remembering that no matter how much pure, freshly-squeezed juice you drink, it still only counts as one portion owing to certain nutrients being depleted in the juicing process. And because they don’t contain the same vitamins and minerals as other fruit and veg, kidney beans; chick peas; lentils, and other pulses also only count as one portion, no matter how much you eat. Therefore in order to get a wide variety of nutrients, it’s advisable to munch on five different types of fruit and veg each day. IS FIVE ENOUGH? It's also worth noting that when people talk about getting their five-a-day, that's just the minimum amount that we should be consuming every day. Washing fruits and vegetables can reduce the nutritional content (but it has to be done!) And it can be reduced even further during the cooking process. And that's before we take into account that there's the possibility that a lot of the fruit and veg we consume may not so nutrient-rich due to environmental factors. So we ideally should be aiming for at least seven servings but goodness - it's sometimes hard enough just getting the five so we'll concentrate on that for now! It's actually not that hard to eat the recommended daily amount of fruit and veg. It's just that we all live such busy lives these days and we've fallen into a pattern of bad eating habits. For instance, an ideal healthy-eating day could see you start with chopped mango and pineapple with yogurt for breakfast; an oaty, apricot flapjack with a handful of dried fruit and nuts a for mid-morning snack; prawn salad for lunch; a snack of fruit salad for later on in the afternoon; and salmon with spinach, asparagus, broccoli and potatoes for dinner. What could be simpler? There are many ways in which you could effortlessly get the recommended five-a-day without overthinking it so it doesn't seem such a drag. Many of the ideas below are not at all unrealistic ways of getting more fruit and veg into your diet. It's unlikely that you'll be able to change your eating habits overnight, and lifestyle changes always seem a bit daunting but you'll gradually be able to work your way up to incorporating more fruit and veg into your diet - and once you know how easy it is, you'll be unstoppable! 1. USE REAL FRUIT INSTEAD OF ARTIFICIAL SYRUPS IN DRINKS It's always disappointing when you call into a coffee shop, order a fruity iced drink, smoothie or milkshake - and find them pouring sickly-sweet, synthetic-tasting syrup into the glass instead of blending real fruit. Well you can't control what your local coffee shop uses, but you can make delicious cold drinks at home using real fruit. It may take a little more effort than opening a bottle but it's so worth it! 2. GET SPIRALIZING! Spiralizing has caught on in a big way where vegetables such as carrots, squash, beets and courgettes are cut into thin, spaghetti-like strands using a spiralizer before being blanched (if necessary) and added to salads or eaten in place of pasta with pesto or tomato-based sauces. 3. CAULIFLOWER 'RICE' ISN'T JUST FOR THOSE DOING ATKINS! For some of us, the first time we heard about cauliflower 'rice', it was something that Atkins dieters were making as a substitute to rice, where they would pulse cauliflower florets to resemble rice grains. It might sound quite bland but with seasoning, herbs, spices, a little chopped onion or crushed garlic, and a lot of imagination it can be very tasty. And of course now it's possible to make pizza 'dough' bases out of the humble cauliflower, or even use mashed cauliflower as a topping for shepherd's pie instead of potato. Oh and fried cauliflower 'rice' is so delicious and not nearly as heavy as real rice. 4. SNACK ON DRIED FRUIT AND FROZEN BERRIES INSTEAD OF SWEETS Most of us love sweet, sugary treats but dried and frozen fruit can be deliciously sweet and it's a healthier way to get your fix of something sweet. 5. ICE ICE BABY Blend yogurt, and honey with your favourite fruit, pop into ice-lolly moulds and you'll have a delicious, frozen sweet treat that takes next to no time to prepare. 6. GO BANANAS! Bananas are so versatile and contain a lot of potassium which is great when you need an energy boost. There's so much you can do with them. You can have them on toast; in porridge; blended into a milkshake or smoothies for breakfast; coat them in chocolate and freeze them as an alternative to ice-lollies; mash them into pancake, muffin or cake batter; bake or barbecue them and serve them with ice-cream... the list goes on! 7. DREAM TOPPING Purée some berries with honey and pour over ice-cream as a healthy alternative to sugar-laden ice-cream toppings. 8. JUICY! There aren't many people who don't own a juicer - but there are a lot of juicer owners who don't use them. This is a real shame because pure, freshly squeezed juice is so much healthier for you and tastes much better than what comes out of a carton. And of course with a vast array of fruit and veggies available, you can have fun trying to come up with unique flavour combinations. To prevent your barely-used juicer from just sitting on top of your kitchen cabinet, gathering dust in it's box, if you're a lazy gal or guy - as some of us are - when looking for a juicer, make sure you got for one that: Is easy to store Doesn't have too many different parts that need to be washed Gets the most nutrients out of the fruit/veg Doesn't require too much food prep 9. SWAP POTATO CHIPS FOR APPLE CRISPS Slice an apple (or pear) very thinly; place on a baking sheet; place in the oven at a low temperature, and bake until crispy, turning over occasionally. 10. BLEND VEG INTO SHOP BOUGHT FOOD There are times when we don't have time to make things from scratch - no matter how much we want to. But you can always add veggies to shop-bought stews or blend vegetables into shop-bought soups; add mushrooms to frozen pizza, or sautéed onion, garlic and mushrooms to shop-bought pasta sauces. 11. MAKE VEGGIE DESSERTS! It started with carrot cake but now there seems to be a trend for adding vegetables such as beetroot, sweetcorn, pumpkin and courgette to baked goodies and desserts - and it seems to be going down a storm. It's great because you can enjoy the sweet treats you love so much AND get the necessary nutrients. So you get the both of best worlds! But please note, when we talk about desserts made using vegetables, we're referring to the healthier homemade versions made with a higher vegetable content and a lot less fat and sugar. 12. CHIPS AND DIPS Dips and salsas taste so much better than the shop-bought stuff and they're so quick and simple to make. When you're having your mates over, or want to snack on something in front of the telly, try making delicious guacamoles and spicy salsas to serve with tortilla chips. Not only do they taste great but you'll feel so much healthier. 13. FEEL THE PULSE IN A CAN! These are a great cupboard stand-by and a good source of fibre. A serving (three tablespoons) of canned beans or lentils can be added to soups, stews, salads etc. And let's face it - how much effort goes into opening a can? 14. LIVEN UP THAT SALAD Gone are the days of boring lettuce, cucumber and tomato salads. Today we have a fantastic array of fruits and vegetables available - not to mention awesome dressings - which will change the way you look at salads forever and let's face it - it's not exactly a struggle to prepare a salad! A favourite here at PepperMint Teal is a prawn noodle salad with mango and avocado, and a chilli, lime and coriander dressing. Can never get tired of that! 15. IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN'T DO WITH AN AVOCADO??? Back in the day, who would have thought that one day avocado on toast would be a thing?Years ago there was only one way in which people used to eat avocados and that was halved with a little salt, pepper and lemon juice. The humble avocado has since come a long way, and like the banana, it's quite versatile, and is making an appearance in breakfast dishes and even sweet recipes. Salads don't seem the same without them, and you can add avocados to dips, salsas, dressings, pasta dishes, pizza toppings, smoothies, shakes, desserts and it can also be used as a substitute for butter or cream in cakes and mousses. There was even a contestant on Come Dine With Me baking them - who knew? There - it's as simple as that! The above is a guide to eating more fruit and veg on a regular basis. Did you struggle to get in your five a day and overcome unhealthy eating habits? What's your fave way of getting at least part of your five a day? Images from Pixabay Word cloud by Angel Noire
- Gym And Slimline By Emma Burstall With Breakfast Smoothie
Gym And Slimline was the debut novel by author and journalist Emma Burstall published in 2008 by Preface Publishing. If your idea of hell is sweating over a piece of gym equipment that someone else has previously sweated over, then don't worry! The sporty theme of this novel is pushed to the background as the main themes of Gym and Slimline appear to be romantic relationships and girly friendships. Think Sex and the City but with gym gear rather than cocktails! Those of you who love reading novels with a very evident theme of friendship centered around a close-knit group of friends will love Gym and Slimline because that's exactly what you'll find here. PLOTLINE When a new gym called Gym and Slimline opens up in South-West London, four women decide to join in a bid to get into shape and make new friends. Four years later, they are now good friends and still active gym members. But it's not just their waistlines they are struggling to maintain - and it's not long before a host of secrets and lies come bubbling to the surface... AND IT GOES LIKE THIS! The health and fitness element is actually secondary to the trials and tribulations experienced by the female characters in the novel: the lady with the hard-to-pronounce name, Persephone is distraught to realise that her marriage is on the rocks, leading to a not-so-harmless flirtation and a secret addiction; former ballerina Carmen is desperate to become a mum especially as she's pushing forty - but is her commitment-phobe boyfriend really father material? Stunning Patrice is eager to add to her family but hasn't been intimate with her controlling husband, Jonty, for years. The only lucky one is career woman Suzanne who manages to juggle motherhood with a high-powered job and she's managed to bag a sexy, young husband - but is her wonderful life all it seems..? WHAT WE THOUGHT... This book was enjoyable from beginning to end and you'll feel sorry once you've finished reading it (so read slower!) There were moments where you'll laugh out loud; feel anxious for the characters, and feel the tugging of heartstrings. As well as friendships, relationships, and health and fitness, there was also a theme of forgiveness that runs throughout the novel. A very dramatic and life-changing episode occurs in the middle of the novel which puts a huge strain on the women's friendships: it divides two of the women drastically and pulls the other two in different directions. If you're good at reading between the lines, then you'll already have an inkling at the shock twist that occurs which creates the tension among the group. But even when the secret is revealed and the people involved are exposed, it still hits you like a roller-coaster. It was an original idea and very cleverly written. Going back to the friendship theme, the strength of the women's friendship that was illustrated in the novel is heartwarming - in fact you almost feel as if they're your friends and feel quite protective of them. You'll hate the way Carmen's ex, Simon, tries to worm his way back into her life when it suits him, or how Jonty controls Patrice's every move. Personally, we think she should have dumped him just for being called Jonty! But worst of all was Persephone's - or Percy as she is known as by her friends - predicament. A sweet, dependable lady who's always trying to help other people, she cannot solve her own issues and you really feel for Percy when she becomes deeply entangled in her addiction. There will be times you want to scream at her to stop , so word of warning... don't read Gym and Slimline while using public transport! A fantastic read - which would definitely make a good TV series. THE RECIPE GOES A LITTLE SOMETHING LIKE THIS! FRUITY BREAKFAST OAT SMOOTHIE To tie in with the gym-theme of Gym and Slimline, we thought we'd come up with a healthy smoothie that you can sip while you're reading; have for breakfast... or enjoy post-workout! You can use whatever fruit you like, and use your favourite plant-based milk and yogurt instead of the dairy versions if you wish. You can always add more/less yogurt/milk depending on how thick you like your smoothie to be. It also works well as the base for a smoothie bowl. Although not essential, you could soak the oats and chia seeds in some milk and leave overnight until you're ready to use it the next morning, if you prefer a less coarse texture. Ingredients 1 cup of oatmeal 2 cups milk 1 cup yogurt 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds 1 small banana 1-2 cups of fruit of your choice Maple syrup/honey to taste (optional) 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon This is how we do it! 1. Throw all ingredients into a blender. 2. Blend until smooth. 3. Serve immediately. Enjoy - the book and the smoothie! Word cloud by Angel Noire