Our first full week of being Frengellicafied - and it's been pretty good! The weather has picked up a lot but I suppose it'll be a while before things return to some kind of normal with regards to going out and about. That hasn't stopped The Mister and I from going out for a kayak around the pond where the only creatures he has to socially distance from are the beavers and the odd deer! Hope everyone is staying safe and in good health x

So what's on Frengellica this week?
If the only thing you've got to complain about after the few months of extreme hand-washing is dry hands, then you're lucky! But that said - no one really wants the kind of hands you can grate cheese on. So check out our Beauty Larder post on the milk and honey hand treatment. I've had dry skin pretty much my whole life and during periods when my skin is very dry, I use milk on my skin instead of water. It's very moisturizing and hydrating, and I really notice the difference. After about two days, my skin comes back to life again.
So I'll be resorting to this treatment for my currently extremely arid hands!
I love chocolate desserts (who doesn't!) so check out our post for a rather unusual chocolate dessert Hot Chocolate Lava Puddle in our feature Wake Me Up Before Your Cacao... Definitely one for the chocoholics!
Aside from baking banana bread (2020 will always be remembered as the year there was an abundance of banana bread and a lack of bog roll. And nobody can explain either of those!) And another thing we did while we were all told to stay home was get our craft on.

I've been a crafter from way back when and in the past I've dabbled in soap making, floristry, jewellery-making, wedding favours, papercrafts, gift baskets, beadwork... and as you can imagine all kinds of crafty nik-naks are scattered all around my house. But since last September, I've got into crochet in a big way. I picked it up almost immediately and now I'm... hooked! So crochet has most definitely been my thing while we've been isolating. And I'm very pleased to say that I've moved on from scarves and headbands and now progressed to crocheted tops. Keep this up and I may never have to actually buy clothes again. At least that's what I tell The Mister!

So if you're a crafting pro, then you're sure to get 10 Things You'll Understand If You're a Craft Addict.

June 1st marks World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day (WNAAD) an internationally recognized event that raises awareness of narcissistic abuse as well as providing education and resources for survivors. At Frengellica, we're thrilled that there is an event that highlights this growing issue and brings it to people's attention because there's still a lot of people out there who have no idea what narcissistic abuse is.
Those of you who watch Coronation Street will have seen what Geoff has been putting his wife Yasmeen through, and EastEnders' fans will have seen what charmer Gray is really like behind closed doors, in scenes that are highly uncomfortable to watch. As many people watch soap operas, it's great that the writers are developing these storylines and bringing these issues to people's attention. But if it's uncomfortable to watch a soap character have to endure this abuse, can you imagine what it's like for real-life victims?
There will be a two day online summit, The Survivor's Empowerment Summit starting on 1st June where speakers - mental health practitioners and leading experts on this subject - will be giving advice and sharing insights. Check out our post on how to get involved. #ifmywoundswerevisible

Photos: Pixabay or Angel Noire as stated
Word cloud: Angel Noire