When my lovely mother-in-law paid us a visit recently one of the things she did during her stay here was purchase this balaclava by Turtle Fur in order to keep her face all warm and snug against the elements of the cold New England winter (although we've experienced colder!) And one of the things she was most excited about, was that because of her purchase, someone else would be getting a free hat!

If you're someone who loves outdoor pursuits and snow sports, there's a good chance you've heard of Turtle Fur and may even have bought some of their products. Turtle Fur is a brand, originating from and still based in Vermont, that specializes in outdoor headgear and accessories for outdoors and snow sports enthusiasts. But Turtle Fur are more than just a brand that focuses on great quality products made from sustainable fabrics for outdoor activities such as hiking and snowboarding, as they are also very socially and environmentally minded. Their values are 'Adventure, Community, Comfort and Quality,' and that is reflected in their products, services and initiatives.
The company's aim is to encourage people to get off their backsides, away from their desks and devices , and get out to enjoy the great outdoors and all it has to offer; furthering their sense of adventure and exploration, as well as spending quality time with family and friends. We live in an age where more and more people are suffering from stress and exhaustion, and are struggling with mental and emotional health issues. We all know about the healing power of nature, and physical exercise and activities; of relaxation and recreation and why it's all so important to our physical and mental wellbeing. That's why it's great that Turtle Fur are encouraging people to get more into such activities.
And then of course, there's Project Warmth...
I'm a summer baby but I've never been much of a sun worshipper. Give me autumn and winter any day! But that said, I don't like to freeze either and I definitely feel the cold more than most other people. In the past, I've known what it's like to shiver with cold - and that's just from being inside a building! When I'm super cold, I can't function properly; can't concentrate; I'm not as productive as I should be, and there's no way I can get to sleep unless I'm all toasty and warm which greatly affects my emotional and physical wellbeing. So can you imagine what it must be like for people who live in inadequate housing without proper heating or warm clothes? Exactly!
And that's why Turtle Fur launched Project Warmth back in 2008. Back then it was just a small initiative that supported schools, shelters, and hospitals within the local area, but over the years it has grown on a nationwide scale, donating hats and other cold weather accessories to those who are in need.
Most of us really appreciate brands who do their bit for society and to help improve the lives of others. That's why it's awesome that Turtle Fur took steps to launch the Project Warmth initiative to help people in need stay that much more warmer.
Cheers guys!
When you purchase your Turtle Fur product, take a photo of you wearing it, and then share it on one of your socials.
Tag Turtle Fur in it and use #projectwarmth in the caption.
When Turtle Fur see it, they'll send out a hat or cold weather accessory to someone who really needs it.
If you also tag the retailer in your post, Turtle Fur will donate ANOTHER accessory to someone in need.
It's great to know that my mother-in-law's purchase will help someone stay a little more toasty. Good on ya, Mom!

When I wrote the last post of the year last year, we were Frengellica. At the time, the idea to rebrand didn't even occur to me. And now here we are with a new look, a new name, and more into better living than ever before. It just goes to show you never know what lies ahead.
As I write the last post of the year for Peppermint Teal, I wonder what 2022 will have in store for us. Some of us are thinking no further than tonight's NYE bash and want to see the new year in in style. While others are thinking of new year's resolutions - and whether or not they'll still be going strong past January! Then there are others who are writing a list of goals they are determined to achieve in the new year.
Whatever stage you're at this NYE, I hope 2022 brings good things for each and everyone of us.
Happy New Year!

Photos: Angel Noire and Pixabay
Blog Graphics: Angel Noire
Peppermint Teal do NOT do sponsored posts so you can bet your life this ISN'T one!
I agree with all the comments here so far. More brands need to have more of an ethical conscience.
Your mum in law looks the business! Good on her for buying from a company with such ethical values. A lot of us need to do our bit more in this area.
I love the idea of buying ethical products but then who doesn't? My children are only little but it's definitely something that I will be instilling in them. I've had a look at Turtle Fur's site and there's some very snazzy products there. 😍
I do love to ski and I'm very proud to say that I do own some TF accessories 😊
Your mum-in-law sounds like a good sport for taking part in this. I love brands that give back. I think that's so important. And as someone who is part of a very active and outdoorsy family (something I encourage in my children,) I would very much choose to buy something from this company.