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15 Ways... To Get Into Exercise

It's well known that from the beginning of January each year, many people promise themselves that they will absolutely without fail 'get fit this year.' End-of-the-year events such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve - and let's not forget the ongoing series of lockdowns and quarantining which has seen many of us reaching for the biscuit tin - will have seen a great deal of excess and indulgence which we now want to shake off and replace with more healthier habits which includes regular exercise.

But while starting an exercise routine isn't the problem, keeping it going usually is and before the month is over, so is the exercise plan! It's a known fact that many gym memberships - while purchased with the best of intentions - don't get used after a while. Those running shoes that were bought for going on 5am runs are still on the shoe rack, barely used. Before you know it, you've slipped back into bad habits and have ended up in the same old unfit rut that you were trying to get out of.


With thanks to karabulakastan from Pixabay.

Quite a lot actually! Everyone knows the obvious advantages to a regular exercise routine: you shed pounds; keep the weight off, and develop abs that would make any of the Magic Mike dancers insanely jealous! But there's so much to exercise than maintaining a great physique. Other benefits include:

  • Stronger bones and muscles

  • Reduced risk of chronic illnesses

  • Improved mobility

  • Reduced anxiety and depression

  • Increased levels of confidence

  • Improved mood

  • Great energy booster

  • Promotes better sleep

  • More improved memory

  • Helps concentration levels

  • Helps to clear brain fog

  • Promotes glowing skin

  • Good for your heart

  • Makes you feel happier

  • Boost your sex life!

Now who wouldn't want all that!



Stamina can be described as the ability of your body to withstand physical exertion for a prolonged duration. It is the ability to endure short and very high-intensity workout as well as long and low-intensity workout. If your stamina is good, you will be able to resist various issues like disease, fatigue and stress. By improving your physical strength you will also improve your mental strength. You can increase your stamina by doing some specific exercises that challenge your body.


For those of us who are a little too relaxed, getting fit and active is a good way to become more disciplined. An exercise plan is a good way of sticking to a routine, eating and drinking healthier options, and making better lifestyle choices.


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Exercise and healthy eating usually go hand-in-hand, with a lot of people assessing their diet and eating habits once they start to get more serious about their exercise regime. Furthermore optimizing nutrition is essential for a good work out performance so it's natural for people to change their ways with regards to food.


Let's be honest - a lot of us don't make good use of our time... even though we often complain that we don't have enough of it! But instead of procrastinating, exercise is a good way of using your time productively and can also lead to to a better frame of mind that makes you productive in other areas of your life as well.


Finding something that you're totally mad about is fantastic - and when it's something that brings a lot of emotional and physical health benefits that's even better. It's wonderful to see someone who's found something that they're so deeply interested in: they have a sparkle in their eye; they're positively glowing when they talk about their new interest, and their positivity and enthusiasm may well rub off on others.


With thanks to David Mark from Pixabay

Especially true if you're joining a gym or a class, it gets you out of the house and meeting people, where you could possibly make new friends - or even find love!


It's not unusual for people who start a fitness activity to become so engrossed with it that training to do this as a career becomes a natural progression for them. There are few things better than making money out of doing something you love so that work never seems like work!


People who are trying for a baby are often told to do a certain amount of exercise regularly and studies have shown that exercise reduces the risk of ovulation problems and decreases the risk of miscarriage.

So you know all the benefits of exercise but what do you need to take into consideration before starting your work out plan?



No matter how fit you think you are, it's always worth consulting your doctor before starting an exercise plan to ensure that what you have in mind is suitable for you. An early checkup can detect any health problems or conditions that could put you at risk for an injury during exercise. If you have an injury, medical condition, or are pregnant, your doctor and/or an exercise therapist can help design an appropriate exercise program for you that will be suitable for your range of movement, physical strength and endurance. This is especially vital for those who are newcomers to strenuous and vigorous physical exercise. And if you choose to hire a personal trainer, they will understand your strengths and limitations, and will be able to create a plan that will be equipped to meet your needs and capabilities, thus optimizing your workout performance.


With thanks to 5132824 from Pixabay

Oh why must we talk about money! Hmm... maybe because along with levels of health and fitness, the amount of money you are able to invest in your new exercise regime will, whether we like it or not, will dictate the choices that you have available to you. How awful is it to have your heart set on something and then realise that you don't have the funds to pay for it? Most interests require a certain level of investment, and health and fitness is no different. You'll need to account for (if applicable) membership, classes, personal training, equipment, clothes and footwear, health supplements, and even travel. All of these all add up and it would be a shame to have to stop doing something you love because you can no longer afford it.

Total up the costs and see if it's affordable. Don't be too disheartened if it's out of your budget. You might be able to get deals on membership or classes if you shop around. See if you can pick up pre-used equipment either from friends or online (make sure they're in good working condition) Find out wherever you can make savings.


There may be activities or classes that are not held within your local area which may require a bit of effort for you to get there. Think about how your daily schedule may affect this. Sometimes the commute can really take it out of you, and you might end up coming home really late. If you're not perturbed by this then fine, if not see if there are any other alternatives. Many classes for example are now offered online, so you can see if that option is available to you.


With thanks to Olga Oginskaya from Pixabay

We all know that staying hydrated is important at the best of times. But when you're working out it's even more essential for you to maintain adequate levels of hydration.

Replenishing fluids during physical activities is important for supporting optimal exercise performance, especially when working out in hot conditions. Furthermore, sufficiently hydrating after exercising can help you recover quickly and get you ready for your next work out session.


Consuming a balanced diet with all the necessary food groups is essential when it comes to maintaining your level of performance in your support your fitness program. That includes fats and carbs but remember there's a difference between 'good' fats and carbs (nuts, seeds, avocados, brown rice, oats, quinoa etc.) and 'bad' fats and carbs (crisps, chips, biscuits, cakes etc.) Good nutrition is vital to maintain healthy energy levels, fuel your body before a workout, optimize performance, and aids with post-exercise recovery.


With thanks to Wow Phochiangrak from Pixabay

We've all been told how important it is to warm up and cool down before and after a work out session - but these are steps that a lot of people still skip. Warming up before working out can help prevent injuries and improve your performance. It also improves your flexibility and reduce soreness after a session.

The importance of cooling down is that it helps your body return to its normal state.

Cooling down for just a couple of minutes can help restore normal breathing patterns and even reduce the chance of soreness.


If you’re a complete novice when it comes to working out or you're starting to get back into it after not exercising for so long, don't push yourself and be aware of your limits. It's always best to stop exercising if you feel pain or discomfort while working out. It's never a good idea to ignore the pain and push past it as it can cause injuries. If you're feeling short of breath; lightheaded, or nauseous - take a breather; stop and rest before picking up where you left off. Bear in mind that working harder, faster and doing a thousand planks a minute isn't necessarily better nor effective, especially if you're exercising incorrectly. Taking your time to progress through your fitness program can help you maintain your routine in the long term and make the most of it.


Hands up all those who started an exercise plan with frenzied zeal and enthusiasm and then suffered physical and mental burnout? Exercising for too long or too intensely will only tire you out, causing you sore muscles and joints and perhaps even injuries. What was supposed to give you the feel good factor, now gives you anything but! To avoid this, plan time between work out sessions for your body and mind to rest and recover.


It's not just your body that needs to be flexible but your plan does too! Unfortunately things like illness; family issues and urgent work projects can get in the way. So if you're feeling unwell or you have other unavoidable issues, don't beat yourself up. Instead give yourself permission to take some time out. If you're worried that you may never get back into the habit of working out - especially when you started out so well. Try to work out for just five minutes a day in order to keep the momentum going.

We've given you lots to think about and that's before we've even started on our list of ways that will inspire you to make physical fitness activities a part of your everyday life! So here are fifteen ways which will hopefully see you make exercise a regular activity in maintaining your levels of health and fitness.


It goes without saying that if you don't enjoy it, you won't employ it! It's a widely held belief that exercising involves the usual suspects: jogging, aerobics, football... but what if these activities aren't your thing? It might be a while before you find something you wouldn't mind doing. There's a whole variety of activities that might interest you if the run-of-the-mill ones don't: indoor rock climbing; pole fitness; hurling (no we don't mean chucking up after one too many!) boxercise... the list is endless.

With thanks to falco from Pixabay

Think of activities you'd like to do - and think about ones you definitely wouldn't!

See what your family/friends/colleagues are doing in order to get inspiration

Check out what kind of things the local gyms are offering. Even if you choose not to go to a gym, it'll give you an idea.


With thanks to Mircea from Pixabay

One of the things that put people off exercise is the boredom of exercising alone when they would rather be part of a motivating team or class and have the added benefit of the social aspect. While others feel that they would perform better completely alone or in a one-to-one session with a trainer or instructor. Decide which option works best for you.


Think about what the best time for you to start working out is and how many times a week you'd like to exercise. Remember to be realistic about your goals, and also don't plan work outs too close to bedtime or soon after dinner. Finding time to exercise can be a challenge, so make it simpler by scheduling time to exercise as you would with most other activities. Find ways in which you can incorporate physical activities into your daily routine which won't disrupt things that you normally do such as watching a TV show while using the treadmill; read while working out on a stationary bike, or going for a walk during your lunch hour.


Don't feel as though you need to begin with one hour sessions seven days a week! It's best to start of doing the bare minimum (15-20 minute sessions) three times a week - or whatever you're comfortable with - and then build up gradually by doing a few more minutes/repetitions with every session. Start slow and progress at your own pace, especially if you're just beginning to exercise. Give yourself the necessary time to warm up and cool down, and work out at a pace where you don't feel overly tired. As your stamina increases, so will your work out sessions.


With thanks to Oliver Sjöström from Pixabay

Your baggy jogging bottoms and spaghetti sauce-stained t-shirt and old plimsols might not fuel you into getting into shape! So what do you do? Invest in some good work-out gear to motivate you and get you looking and feeling the part. And it doesn't have to be mega expensive - most chain stores do reasonable quality gymwear at affordable prices. The important thing is that it's comfortable to wear and you can move around quite easily in it. But do purchase the best footwear that you can afford as it's important for comfort and support.


With thanks to 5132824 from Pixabay

Even if you decide that you want to be a solo star when it comes to working out, it often helps if you have a work out buddy, especially if you need that support, motivation and encouragement... as well as someone who you're accountable to so that you don't give up at the first hurdle! Someone who's in th same boat as you and shares similar exercise goals would be a good choice, even if you don't work out in the same space at the same time. It's good to have someone to give you that motivation and support, who you can share ideas with, and discuss your progress and goals. Someone who can spur you on in a non-competitive way might be exactly what you need.


Sometimes you may need to bribe, we mean, motivate yourself into doing something that you don't always want to do. And that's where rewarding yourself comes in handy. It can be something like a massage, a new item of clothing (like new gym wear!) or going for a swim.

But if the thought of spending money every time you have to feel motivated fills you with dread, you could always go for a hike, enjoy a relaxing afternoon reading or watching a movie, chill out on the beach or in your garden, or go hang out with your mates and have some laughs!

With thanks to William Adams from Pixabay


One of the reasons why people give up on their exercise program is because they don't see the results they were looking for after 10 push ups! This is where patience comes in and the understanding that you won't always see instant physical results. You know what they say about watched pots - well the same applies here as well. So instead of wondering why you don't have biceps to rival Mark Wahlberg's, focus on the positives that exercise is bringing into your life. Are you enjoying your gym sessions and the chance to get out of the house more? Have you noticed an improvement in your sleep patterns? Do you feel happier and healthier? Concentrate on the things that you are achieving with with your exercise plan - be patient and you'll see the desired results soon enough.


You've invested a truckload of money into your new physical activity, you've gone on and on about it to anyone who'll listen - and now after a week, you want to give up and forget you'd ever heard about this new exercise craze that's taken the world by storm. Why? Because you suck at it! Or at least you think you do. Not many people take to new things like a duck to water the first time they try them. That's where patience, perseverance, practice and the realization that you might not be perfect at your first attempt comes in. Think about all the things you didn't do well at first. If that had been your reason for giving up, then you wouldn't be able to do anything! Take small steps and set yourself attainable goals. Be consistent with your sessions. You never know by the end of the first month you may find you've come a long way...


With thanks to Shakti Shekhawat from Pixabay

Think about the kind of things you would say to someone who was starting a new exercise plan but they felt it wasn't going as well as they would have liked. Thing about the things you would say and do to encourage and motivate them. Show yourself the same kindness and support.


When deciding to start working out, it's important to keep in mind why you're doing it, and what your ultimate goal is. Furthermore, try not to make your goal too broad and be more specific. For instance, simply stating, that you want to lose weight and tone up, makes it harder to focus on what you want to achieve and to measure your progress. But saying that you want to lose ten pounds, and tone up your arms so you'll look fab in your wedding gown by mid-August will make tracking your progress much easier.


Even if you don't do so during the early stages, plan to include some different activities into your regime at a later stage. Different activities can help keep exercise boredom at bay, as well as reducing your chances of injuring yourself by overusing one specific muscle or joint. Aim to alternate between different activities that emphasize different parts of your body, such as walking, swimming, weights etc.

And also be a bit imaginative with regards to future activities and aim to make it fun. Maybe your workout routine includes various activities, such as walking, aerobics, or dance. But don't stop there. Take a weekend hike with your mates, or take a ballet class for adults. Find activities you enjoy to add to your fitness routine.


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Some people often complain that they find working out to be too tedious. If you can, throw in a little something to keep you entertained. Work out in front of the telly. If nineties hip hop is your jam, have that playing in the background. Listen to your favourite podcast or audio book... anything to make exercise seem less monotonous. But make sure it's nothing that's likely to distract you.


With thanks to Renata Hille from Pixabay

OK, we know this one may sound a little too woo-woo for some of you. But sports coaches who have trained many a successful athlete have incorporated this into their training so surely it can't be a bad thing! Even if you're not planning on winning gold at the next Olympics, if you're someone who needs a lot of motivation or who gives up too easily, visualization could be the way to go in improving success with your exercise programme. Visualization involves using your senses to create a mental image of a physical task before you attempt it, including imagining what the movement will feel like in your muscles and your mind.


A written plan may encourage you to stay on track. Furthermore, tracking your progress, such as logging your repetitions or noting your running times, can help keep you motivated and improve your performance. Retake your personal fitness assessment a month after you begin your program and then again every few months. Then you can make any necessary changes such as increasing the amount of time you exercise in order to continue improving and meeting your goals... Or maybe you're exercising just the right amount to meet your fitness goals in which case you can continue with your plan until you feel otherwise.

If you lose motivation, set new goals or try a new activity. Starting an exercise program is an important decision and one that your physical and mental health will love you for. But it doesn't have to be an overwhelming choice. With careful planning, making healthy choices , and pacing yourself, you can establish a healthy habit that lasts a lifetime.

Good luck!

Photos: Pixabay

Blog Graphics: Angel Noire

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Jul 02, 2022

I was fitness mad when I was much younger and was one of the sportiest kids at school. I'm glad that my parents made us understand the importance of physical fitness from a young age. But unfortunately as I've gotten older I've slipped into some very bad habits. And it shows! Hopefully a lot of the advice here will help get me back on track.


Apr 14, 2022

I think I get more than enough exercise running around after my two kids! I'm not sure I'll ever be a gym bunny but I do like swimming a lot so I suppose that's my sport. I don't need to be asked twice to get in the pool or sea.


Blonde Burger
Blonde Burger
Apr 12, 2022

I've always had to make a real effort to stay fit and healthy and when my boys came along, that kind of went out the window. I would like to slim down, tone up and get fit again so this article will be very useful.


Mar 14, 2022

Exercise is such a big part of my life and I couldn't imagine not being active. I'm very short and I do love food so avoiding exercise is not a option for me. So it's a good job I enjoy it.


Mar 01, 2022

I'm really lucky that my mom instilled this love of physical fitness in me and my sister, so we were enrolled in dance class from a young age plus I took up running in my early teens and became a cheerleader also. Nowadays I'm more into yoga and pilates which I find to be very beneficial to me. I know for people who are not used to exercise, creating a habit and a routine is the hardest part. So I guess in this case, a class or a personal trainer might be the answer.

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