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What's Could Be More Refreshing Than A Glass Of Peppermint Teal!


AchieveMint... EnjoyMint... Life-EnhanceMint!

What's that you said? You want a sip of Peppermint Teal? Well you've come to the right place! 
So what's the dealio with the Tealio?
Peppermint Teal is a life-enhancement site that is concerned with the concept of better living and improving your life in every aspect - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, occupationally, recreationally, romantically... basically... every kind of -ally! Peppermint Teal is a site containing a blog and forum that aims to create a community of like-minded people who are willing to put in the work in order to transform their lives in whatever way they wish. It's for those who wish to be inspired and motivated; get out of the rut they're stuck in; learn new skills, and have a few laughs along the way. 
So it's all about diet and exercise then?
 Peppermint Teal is for people who understand that better living and life-enhancement goes way beyond ten mile runs and green smoothies (but yes diet and exercise are VERY important too!)  It's about having everything in moderation; feeling comfortable in your own skin; knowing that you are 'enough'; enriching your mind; enlivening your spirit; nourishing your body, treating and pampering yourself whenever you can, and doing whatever it is that makes your heart sing loud and proud - preferably the hard rock part of Bohemian Rhapsody or Stairway To Heaven!
What needs to be done in order to achieve er, Nirvana, is totally up to you. Whether it's travelling around Brazil; finding the job of your dreams; learning Italian, or perfecting your baking skills so well that even Mary Berry feels threatened, we're here for you - to inspire you and give you that little bit of guidance you're looking for. The key objective of this site is all about living well, peace of mind and being happy.
Oh, and we never tell you not to have another helping of chocolate cake (well not unless it's doctor's orders!)​
What you'll find in Peppermint Teal​​​
  • blog posts about natural hair and skincare.
  • How-tos and tutorials on a variety of topics.
  • Posts about stress and time management.
  • Bitchin' Kitchen recipes for you to try out in features such as Wake Me Up Before Your Cocoa, Bake It Sexy, and Why Did The Chicken Fly Across The World? 
  • Forums where you can chat and share ideas with other members. 
  • A weekly feature called Quips of an Angel where Angel Noire does what she does best - talk!
...And lots, lots more!
But first...
As boring as it is, please be sure to read the terms & conditions, disclaimer, and privacy policy before you sign up as a member or subscriber so you know what's what. If you have any questions or you'd like to contact Peppermint Teal just to say hi, please use the contact form or the email address given. 
This site couldn't work without you, and we welcome your comments, thoughts and suggestions, as well as your participation in the forums. Go on - don't be shy!
And finally at Peppermint Teal, we take seriously the idea of having fun! Please remember to keep it that way and show courtesy and respect towards this community - even when disagreeing!
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