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Come On In and Have Some Teal!!!
You've just stepped through the portal to AchieveMint... EnjoyMint... Life-EnhanceMint!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Peppermint Teal, the life-enhancement site dedicated to better living where hopefully you'll leave here feeling refreshed, revitalised and rejuvinated!
So what do we mean by better living?
At Peppermint Teal, we believe that all aspects of our lives are linked, so when you're doing well in one area of your life, you tend to do well in other areas too. And when you feel stressed in one area, it tends to spill into others.
It can be frustrating when you know what you want but don't know how to get there. Some of us have a tendancy to over think, over stress, and over complicate everything because we expect life to be hard. And while life isn't always easy (or it wouldn't be life!) it certainly isn't difficult all the time either. And a lot of the time, it's us who's making life harder than it needs to be for ourselves.
For a lot of people, 'better living' means diet, exercise, and sleep.
And they're not wrong but at Peppermint Teal, 'better living' means so much more than that.
It involves:
Embracing the fact that you are imperfectly perfect
Starting your day, your week, your month (or even your year!) with a sense of purpose.
Living life at your own pace in your own unique, individual way... And to hell with what everyone else says!
Knowing that it's never too late to learn or try new things.
Having more time and energy to spend with family and friends, and to enjoy interests and hobbies.
Feeling more confident with every new skill you learn and having that awesome 'can-do' attitude.
Kicking insomnia's butt instead of it kicking yours and enjoying a peaceful good night's sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed and energised.
Telling energy drainers to go take a hike!
Saying no and meaning it.
Not allowing people to make you feel like a failure just because you didn't do X,Y, and Z by the time you hit 25, 35, or 105.
Not beating yourself up but boosting yourself up.
Understanding that sometimes it's necessary to put yourself first.
Knowing that you don't have to do it all and there's nothing wrong with asking for help.
Making a commitment to yourself and sticking to it.
Changing old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you.
Knowing who is worthy of your good heart - and who you need to steer well clear of.
What You'll Find Here
At Peppermint Teal we have four key topics all connected to the theme of better living. These include:
Expat living
Natural hair and skincare
Narcissistic abuse awareness
Emotional wellbeing
From recreational topics such as crafts, recipes, and books to encourage relaxation; devoting more time to hobbies; and learning new skills, to practical advice concerning managing time and money, starting a business, and changing careers.
We'll also be tackling some heavy topics such as emotional health issues, narcissistic abuse awareness, and learning to control stress levels in a bid to improve emotional health; create awareness and understanding, and give information with the help of experts and real stories of people's experiences.
At Peppermint Teal, we believe that everyone has the potential to be the person they want to be... they just need a helping hand from time to time in order to become the best version of themselves. And it is possible to accept yourself as you are and know you are an awesome human being while simultaneously striving hard to be an even more awesome human being. Now is not necessarily forever, and the right attitude has the power to change your life and current circumstances. What you see now doesn’t have to determine how you live your life or dictate your future.

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