Hi. My name is Vicki by I go by Vixen on this site. I've only just signed up so I guess I'm the newest follower. It's a cool site and I like anything that's all about living your life to the fullest. I'm in my early forties and I'm from Olympia in Washington. I've never married or had babies so I'm very different to a lot of women who fit my age bracket. But it seems to bother other people more than it bothers me! I learned in a very painful way from a very young age that life is short, so you have to live it your way and on your terms. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, what's the problem right? I'm definitely living the life I want but if I could have one wish it would be to travel and see more of the world.
I'm well aware that this sounds like one of those boring dinner party questions! But I heard this asked the other day and it got me thinking. So what I'd like to know is, if you won the lottery, would you:
Tell anyone?
Give any of your hard-earned winnings to family and friends?
Give up work?
And just in case you're wondering:
Of course
Quite possibly!
Now over to you!
Yep, what the title of this posts asks! I'd like to know your thoughts on this. In the past, if I got on very well with a colleague, I definitely saw them as a friend and would have no issues in hanging out with them after work. You spend much of your day with your colleagues so it's easy to become very pally with them (if they're nice!)
But I know a lot of people prefer to keep their work and home lives separate so don't like to mix with their colleagues in non-professional situations. Furthermore once people leave their workplace and move on to somewhere new, they don't even keep in touch with their old work lot anymore.
What are your thoughts?