Can anyone tell me what interesting things I can do with chia seeds? I recently became a vegan and I've been told to give chia seeds a go, but other than making chia seed pudding or drinks, I'm not sure what other interesting things I can make with them. Anyone have any ideas? Also has anyone noticed any health benefits after including chia seeds in their diet?
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Chia seed pudding made with coconut or almond milk and topped with different fruits. Delicious!
I make my own granola so I usually add chia seeds to the mix. I also add them to porridge, and I use them a lot in baking as many of the other followers have stated. But there's some uses that I'd never heard of until now so I will be trying those out.
Thanks Ladies!
I use chia seeds when I'm baking bread and recently I used them in place of poppy seeds when making a lemon and poppy seed cake. Or chia seed cake. I also make flavoured drinks with them and love the jelly like texture of the seeds. I know that chia seeds have a fairly high omega content but not sure about the other nutrients them.
I'm a huge fan of chia seeds. I love it's nutritional benefits. I often soak them overnight and then add them to my breakfast - a green smoothie - every morning. I also use them a lot in baking - bread, muffins, coffee cakes... I always feel it's so much healthier when it contains chia seeds. LOL!
Not very vegan I know, but we often add them to the breadcrumb coating when we're breading fish or meat. Perhaps you could do the same for breaded veg like Courgette, aubergine, mushrooms etc. I've also started adding them to crumble topping.
Not a hundred per cent sure about health benefits but I've noticed my skin looks a lot better so - maybe!
I don't use them a hole lot but I do sprinkle them over salads, drink them in water, and add them to breadcrumbs for whatever I'm coating. I know there's a lot of health benefits with chia seeds so I guess I should eat them more often.
Thank you. You've given me lots of ideas. I'd never heard of baked oatmeal so had to look it up. That looks like something I'd like to try. And I have heard that you can make a kind of fruit conserve from chia seeds so that's another thing I'd like to try.
I only started using chia seeds maybe three years ago, and I love them! My husband just snacks on them as you would with peanuts or something. I never make oatmeal smoothies without them, in which case I always soak them first along with the oatmeal because I prefer the texture. I also add them to porridge or when I'm making baked oatmeal, and I recently baked banana bread with chia seeds. I also love them in a cold drink with lemon and honey. I have yet to make the much-talked about chai seed pudding but I will!
I know you can make a type of jam spread with chia seeds. When the seeds are soaked in water you get a type of jam-like consistency. And I've also heard that it can be used as an egg substitute in baking which will be very handy for vegans!