To many people April Fools Day is a bit old hat. And this year, even if you wanted to play pranks on your family, friends, and colleagues, it'll be a tad bit hard anyway with all the Covid restrictions meaning that we still have to socially distance. But judging by all the April Fools pranks I've been seeing on social media and in the press, it would appear that for some of us April Fools Day is still very much alive and well!
I still remember the first prank I spotted in the press. And I have to admit - they got me!
Back when we still lived in London, The Man and I were doing our usual commute into work on the tube, and as I peered at Mr. D.'s copy of the Metro, a short article caught my eye.
It was about the new trampoline aisles that Tesco were introducing to their stores which would enable those made of shorter stuff (like me!) to grab things from the hard-to-reach top shelves. It was demonstrated by TOWIE star Lucy Mecklenburgh.
An interesting concept but I was slowly beginning to wonder if Tesco had lost their mind...
Me: Do you see those new trampoline aisles?
Mr. D: Hmmm.
Me: If I worked for Tesco, I'd be worried about shoppers having an accident.
Mr. D: Hmmm.
Me: Plus you'll get dummies just mucking about on them and making a nuisance of themselves.
Mr. D: Hmmm.
Me: Plus I think elderly people would find it a struggle.
Mr. D: Hmmm.
Me: And also if you leapt up and tried to grab a tin of something, you'd just end up knocking over a whole ton of stuff.
Mr. D: Of course you would.
Then the penny dropped.
Me: OMG! It's an April Fool's gag!
Mr. D: Well of course it is. Did you think it was real?
Me: I forgot what day it is. I've never seen one of these pranks in the press before. And anyway I didn't think anyone bothered with April Fool's Day anymore.
So I spotted my first ever April Fool's Day prank in the press. And it got me good and proper!
But whatever you might think of April Fools Day, we live in a world where fun and having a laugh are seem to be in short supply - especially right now. So go ahead and play those pranks - providing they're funny of course!

With my dad, you'd think every day was 1st April!