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My Secretly Enjoyable Guilty Pleasures

Writer: Angel NoireAngel Noire

Updated: Sep 10, 2022

Actress Jennifer Aniston once admitted that watching The Bachelor is her guilty pleasure. I watched one series back in 2012 where Courtney Robertson waltzed off into the sunset with her bachelor Ben Flajnik - The only time I've ever watched The Bachelor. I found the show to be over the top, contrived, and appeared to be scripted. It was something that people watched when they didn't want to engage in anything too intellectually taxing... but oh my goodness it was so addictive! I hated myself for not doing something more productive with my time but once I started watching I had to continue in order to find out who Ben would choose. But I made sure that it was to be the last series I watched!

We all have our guilty pleasures in life. We all enjoy something which we feel a little bad for liking. And we shouldn't feel bad - after all no one is ever harmed while we pursue our guilty pleasures - but we can't help feeling a little bit naughty all the same.

It got me thinking about my own guilty pleasures - and I had a lot more than I thought. Naughty Mrs. D!

1. Romance novels

A romantic couple getting amorous on a chair
With thanks to Victoria_rt at Pixabay

I wish I could say that I love rolling with the classics and I have a copy of War And Peace on my bedside table but that just wouldn't be true! I'm a sucker for romance novels and it's one of my ambitions to increase my collection of Danielle Steel and Mills and Boon novels. I'm lucky to be married to such a romantic man so there's no shortage of romance in this household but these novels do help to reaffirm my belief in love and romance (as if I need reaffirmation!)

I'm sure I'll get around to War And Peace one day!

2. Puddings

Rice pudding topped with red berries
With thanks to Markusspiske at Pixabay

I have a ridiculously sweet tooth. My parents are big sugar fans so I reckon I inherited my sweet tooth from them - and my dad in particular loves puddings. And if there's lashings of custard, so much the better! I always stop off at M&S every Friday to ensure that I have enough yummy desserts and puddings to last until Sunday. During the cold winter months, there's nothing I enjoy more than to curl up with something sweet. Unfortunately it means that I go back on the promise that I made to myself to be healthier.

Oh well - at least I'm sensible from Monday to Thursday!

3. Magazines

I've loved magazines pretty much from the time I've been able to read. When I was a kid, my aunts and uncles used to spoil me with comics and kids magazines. As I was growing up, I'd sneak a peak at women's magazines that my mum and aunts used to buy before I graduated to pop music and teen mags. At one point, I used to buy pretty much every magazine that was out there (or so it seemed!) which looking back was a ridiculous waste of money.

These days I limit myself to just two magazines a week which isn't too bad and provides me with something to read on my way to and from work. The only problem is that our home is permanently strewn with magazines and pages that I've ripped out from them. So far Mr. D hasn't complained...

4. Bargains!

Long haired lady with shopping bags
With thanks to gonghuimin468 at Pixabay

I get such a buzz from buying things I really want that have been reduced to a fantastically great price. Books, clothes, shoes - you name it; if the price is low enough, I'm snapping it up! I don't mind admitting that I'm a great bargain hunter and I try very hard not to pay full price if I can avoid it which often means waiting until it's on sale. Whether this is a good thing or not is debateable but at least I can honestly say that say that I've never annoyed a retailer - or embarrassed myself - by haggling in my quest for a good bargain.

5. Reading in the bath

Lady in the bath reading
With thanks to KateBranch at Pixabay

Reading in the bath is all very good if you live by yourself. But when you live with others, you run the risk of irritating them when you hog the bathroom while you indulge in a bubble-filled bath with a little light reading material. Whether it's a magazine or one of those romance novels, it's perfect 'me' time - especially when I throw a little chocolate into the mix!

6. Salon pampering

Lady getting a massage at a salon
With thanks to OlyaLoe at Pixabay

OK so there's a lot of beauty treatments I pay for at professional salons which I could actually do myself at home thus saving money. But I'm often short of time (OK, a little lazy!) and I like being pampered. Grooming often feels like a chore when I have to do it myself.

And it doesn't help that there is a salon right down the road from me...

7. Celebrity gossip

I don't like gossip. I don't like people who gossip. I'm careful not to gossip or repeat things that I've heard especially if it sounds dubious. So why is it that I'm addicted to the celebrity gossip pages of a particular national newspaper? It's not only me but one of my closest friends as well who can't get enough of the same gossip column, and we can often be found at work discussing in great depth what we've just read about Angelina, Jordan and co.

Mr. D is not impressed by any form of gossip and I have to admit I'm not too proud of myself either - but I try to convince myself that we're not gossiping about real people!

8. Take aways/Eating Out

A pizza on a restaurant table
With thanks to Daria-Yakovleva at Pixabay

When I cook at home I save money, I know what's going in my food, and it's healthier. But there are some days when we just can't be bothered to enter the kitchen - especially when we're having a lazy weekend, in which case we'll phone to get something delivered. And if we happen to be in town, we'll stop off at one of our favourite restaurants. The food's always delicious but I can't pretend I don't feel guilty afterwards.

9. The Internet

Girl sat on bench with a laptop
With thanks to StartUpStockPhotos at Pixabay

Ever since I discovered the benefits of being connected to the world wide web, it's totally taken over my life. I do use it constructively - most of the time - but then there are times I'm just aimlessly surfing and I can spend hours wasting time looking at sites with animals wearing silly hats and people doing funny dances! I'm not sure what's so addictive about the internet that it causes me to waste time when I actually do have things to do like sleep for example - but it's one of those things that can't be explained.

10. Bed!

A couple in bed with the covers up to their faces
With thanks to Sasint at Pixabay

I may enjoy lounging around in the bath tub but I absolutely love my bed and no matter how much time I spend in my lovely comfy bed it's never enough time. It's where I sleep; read my magazines and romance novels; indulge in puddings; surf the net; eat my take always; shop for bargains on the internet, and of course snuggle up to my gorgeous hubby.

But I think I need to get out more!

What are your guilty pleasures?

Photos: Pixabay

Blog graphics: Angel Noire

1 Comment

Jan 25, 2023

Haha! That would be trash TV! Haha! Things like Married at First Sight and The Bachelor. Who would think I have something in common with Jennifer Aniston!


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