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Make Me A Happy Home: 10 Steps to a Tranquil Home in Covid Times

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Our homes are so much more than just bricks, mortar and tiles, and shelter from the elements. It is a representation of who we are. Homes tell a story about the people who live there. It's the place where we expect to find peace; feel safe; feel free to be ourselves; relax; have friends over; celebrate good times and most of all, be happy!

And if ever we needed reminding of how important our homes are, the last twelves months should have hammered that point, er, home! Prior to the pandemic causing chaos around the world, most of us only saw the inside of our homes to have dinner, go to sleep, and grab coffee and toast the next morning before dashing out the front door to head to work - the place where we really did spend most of our day.

With thanks to tookapic @Pixabay

But since Covid-19 made its presence well and truly felt, we've all been spending more time at home than we ever thought possible: working from home; home-schooling our kids, and doing what we can to occupy our days and take our minds off the pandemic. Now more than ever we need the safety and tranquility of the place we call home, and do whatever needs to be done in order for us to feel peace and contentment, and reduce our levels of stress and anxiety. And happiness at home doesn't always come from designer kitchens, finished basements, and Olympic sized pools - although we wouldn't say no to any of those! But quite often it's the simple things that that make a house a home and bring a sense of peace, happiness, and well-being. These are the things that could make yours a happy and peaceful home.


With thanks to Squirrel_photos @ pixabay

As we all know, it can take forever to clean up a room but only a few seconds to make a mess! No matter how neat and tidy you naturally are or try to be, piles of clutter can accumulate before you even know it. Which makes cleaning more of a mission as you try to get around the clutter. Which means dust, dirt and grime build up. Which means pretty soon you won't be able to hear yourself think amidst all the chaos!

It's true - cluttered surroundings create a cluttered mind where you're unable to focus or concentrate. Unless you're someone who couldn't give two hoots about untidiness, it's hard to effectively accomplish the things you need to do when you're surrounded by chaotic mess. But thankfully there are simple ways to spruce up your home, making it grime and clutter-free. Remember the neater and tidier you are, the less there is to clean, organize, and put away, leaving you more free time and energy to devote to your passions and interests.



With thanks to BUMIPUTRA @Pixabay

There's a lot to be said for personal touches throughout the home. They tell a lot about the owner and bring a level of comfort. Many of us would like to live in the kind of home that wouldn't look out of place among the pages of Home and Garden - or MTV Cribs - and go for what's en vogue rather than what's truly 'us'. And in trying to do so, we get so bogged down with the details concerning our chosen theme or colour scheme that we discard anything that doesn't 'go' with the decor - even though quite often these are the very things that reflect our personality and give the home we live in a real sense of identity. True there should be some flow between personal objects and the style of the house but with a little imagination, you can bring together the most eclectic of objects bound together in your own inimitable style.

It's lovely to see things on display that tells you something about the people who live there: photographs, artwork, holiday souvenirs, collections on display, a library of well-loved books, home made furnishings, home-grown flowers in a vase... anything that tells a story and says something about the habits, interests and personality about the owner of the house.



With thank to Stocksnap @Pixabay

There's hardly anyone out there who doesn't carry some kind of device for taking photos which means that taking snaps has never been easier. But unfortunately most people have a tendency to just leave the photos on their phones or tablets, or upload them on to social media and then just forget about them.

There's nothing like seeing the faces of the people you love most every day, especially when they can't be with you in person as often as you'd like. Each photo tells a story and gives you the chance to relive memories. Photos can be a real talking point when you have guests over, especially with people you don't know very well - although admittedly you won't be having a lot of visitors over now!



With thanks to Victoria_Borodinova @Pixabay

You don't have to be into doilies and chairbacks to appreciate soft furnishings. They add a touch of luxury and a lot of comfort and really make a house feel like a home: beautiful bedding; comfy beanbags and cushions... and a couch isn't a couch unless is got throws - perfect for snuggling under when you're watching TV or surfing the net! One of the best things about soft furnishings is that it really is the quickest, most convenient, and relatively the cheapest way of instantly updating the appearance of a room.



With thanks to monicore @Pixabay

Like songs, certain aromas are highly evocative and have an effect on our moods, feelings and well-being. But quite often how fab  - or unfab - your home smells is often overlooked.

But pleasant aromas can have a positive effect on us and can make us feel refreshed, calm, energised and can even help to induce sleep - especially at a time when people have been experiencing high levels of insomnia due to the stressful times we're living in now. Everyone knows why people eager to sell their homes are keen to have the aroma of freshly baked goodies wafting around their home, and its that same smell that can be delightfully comforting and give that feeling of 'homeliness'. That and freshly ground coffee, and beautifully-scented cut flowers.

Most people are not fans of air freshener or highly fragranced cleaning products with that ghastly synthetic smell. But you can't go wrong with good quality scented candles and incense sticks; good old-fashioned drawer liners and lavender sachets; essential oils being used in oil burners, or floral-scented water spritzed over bedding.



With thanks to Emma Lancaster @Pixabay

Who doesn't love the idea of afternoon tea? The chance to kick back and unwind over a warming cup of tea and some delicious baked goodies. But unfortunately with the hours most of us work, tea at four o'clock every day is impossible. It would however make a fabulous,  relaxing weekend treat - just what's needed to help you unwind. And why not go to town by using real china and cake stands, if you have them, and serving lots of scrumptious, sweet, creamy delicacies?

And let's not forget that home-baking can be relaxing, enjoyable and therapeutic - exactly what's needed right now.  And shows such as Great British Bake Off, Masterchef and Next Great Baker have reignited our enthusiasm  for baking and enabled us to get happy with the mixing bowl again! Baking is a fun activity which can be done with the people we share our home with, and it's one which involves all of the five senses. Who doesn't love the sight of prettily iced cupcakes; the texture of bread dough as it's being kneaded; the taste of choc chip cookies; the aroma of delicious home baking, and best of all, the sound of everyone happily tucking in!

There's no reason why tea-time at home shouldn't be every bit as enjoyable as at your local tea shop.


With thanks to monicore @Pixabay

If there's something else that gives a home that homely feel, it's candles - and lots of them. And if they're scented candles then that's even better! There's nothing like the cosy, warm glow of candlelight to bring that touch of magic into your home. It's great for when you want to unwind, meditate, or get romantic. Candlelight is also great to fall asleep to but for this we would strongly recommend the common sense option of battery operated candles!


With thanks to Leo-Fontes @Pixabay

If you share your home with others, it's important for you to pick a place in the house that you can call your own: a place where you can talk on the phone; read a novel; write etc. and generally just slow down, enjoy your own company and be lost in your own thoughts. Absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Your own space could be a comfy armchair by the window; a window seat with a nearby bookcase containing your fave novels; a corner of the room with bean bags, floor cushions and a side table with all your fave knick-knacks on it. In fact who even says it has to be indoors? Maybe you could relax on a blanket beside gorgeous, sweetly scented rose bushes in your garden, or a bench under a tree.


With thanks to JESHOOTS-com @Pixabay

Sleep: the one thing that most of us can't get enough of and would never say no to more of - if only we had the time! Well now, we actually do have more time but worry during what is a very stressful time is giving even the most resilient among us plenty of sleepless nights. That's why it's more important than ever now to turn our bedrooms into calming, peaceful havens where we can relax and hopefully drift off into some much-needed, good-quality sleep.

That's one of the reasons why, if it can be helped, you should never use your bedroom for working or studying in. It should ideally be kept clutter-free and as device- free as possible which might be hard, but we all know how technological gadgets interfere with our sleep. And if you suffer from allergies then its important to keep your sleeping area clean, tidy and dust-free.


With thanks to Free-Photos @Pixabay

You can decorate your home any way you like but it's the people we love who bring the happiness and laughter into our homes. Admittedly we can't do much entertaining right now or have people over to stay, but this difficult time we're going through right now will be over, and then we can go back to parties, gatherings, movie or games nights, dinner parties etc.

After all what's the point of having a beautiful home of you can't share it with your amazing family and friends?

Photos: Pixabay

Blog graphics: Angel Noire

1 opmerking

06 jan 2022

I love that my Emma Bridgewater display is a bit of a feature in my home and always gets admiring glances from guests. But I have seen a lot of other people's collections on Instagram and it just looks so cluttered to me! I cannot abide clutter of any kind so goodness knows what I'll do when I get more pieces!


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