Summer is just a matter of weeks away and it'll be here before we know it. And despite the fact that it's still quite cool, no one could have failed to notice that the temperature has begun to rise lately. And as the temperature starts to soar, there'll be lots of legs, arms, shoulders and tums on display, so it's important to start getting your skin looking it's very best.

During the winter months many of us will have cranked up the central heating and indulged in long, hot baths which aren't the best things for your skin. In addition to that, as our bodies have been kept under wraps during the winter months and cool spring climate, our skin won't have been getting the TLC it needs. So now is the time to get our skin looking and feeling in tip-top condition before the big reveal in the sweltering heat of the summer.
It's super important to exfoliate before you tackle anything else as it makes hair removal easier, and the use of moisturising and tanning products more effective. Exfoliating is also important for removing and preventing ingrowing hairs, getting rid of scaly skin, and preventing blocked pores. For those of you who shave as part of your hair removal regime, exfoliating means that your razor won't get clogged with all that lovely, flaky skin!

If your skin is a bit on the parched side, it will be more effective for you to use a scrub on dry, or slightly damp skin rather than sopping wet. Pay particular attention to heels, knees, and elbows. Find the scrub that works best for your skin, and you can also use a loofah if you wish. But remember NEVER to use a scrub or loofah designed for your body on your face - it's much too harsh.

It goes without saying that summer clothes generally mean fuzz-free skin, paying close attention to legs, underarms and bikini line - especially if you're hitting the beach.
There are a whole ton of hair removal methods - shaving, waxing, sugaring, epilating, depilatory creams, or laser hair removal - so choose what works best for you. And if you're not able to get to the salon, don't fret as there's lots of methods and products that can be used in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Urgh the dreaded dimply, orange-peel skin that strikes fear into the hearts of women everywhere! Cellulite has been the bane of many women's lives for more years than we care to remember. And while it's difficult to get rid of cellulite completely, it is possible to minimize the appearance of it. This is where diet and exercise can really play a role in minimizing cellulite. The key here is to stick to a diet that is rich in wholegrains, raw fruit and vegetables and oily fish and low in salt, caffeine, and processed fatty food (yes, all the things we love!) Oh yes, and to get exercising!
There are also a lot of cellulite creams that reduce the appearance of cellulite by eliminating the toxins under your skin. And of course body brushing is fantastic for eliminating cellulite and getting rid of dry skin. Sadly it does feel like you're being attacked with brambles when you're just starting out but once you get passed this stage, you'll barely notice a thing and the results will be worth it!
We know, we know - we're all a little lazy when it comes to moisturising. But if you want to keep skin looking young, supple, hydrated and flake-free then it's a must so regular moisturising is a stage that should never be skipped.

There's some fantastic products out there in the form of lotions, oils, body butters, whipped body butters etc. But if you're a bit neglectful with the old moisturizing, then try adding some oil in your bath water for some much needed hydration.

It would be delightful if we all had an even skin tone but in reality a lot of people don't. Toes, knees, elbows and knuckles are just some of the areas that typically tend to be a little bit darker than the rest of our bodies. There are creams available which even out skin tone, and you can naturally lighten these areas by rubbing half a lemon over them for fifteen minutes a day. Yes, you'll feel a bit of a lemon while you're doing it but it does work! If you find lemon to be a bit harsh - and it's not something we'd recommend for your face especially if you have sensitive skin - then try potato juice.
We really sympathise with people who have acne. And acne is a condition that can affect parts of your body other than your face such as your back, chest, shoulders, upper arms, and thighs.
For severe acne conditions, a visit to the doctor will be in order, as well as paying close attention to your diet. But in terms of skincare, there are lots of things you can do. Changing to organic bath products that are SLS-free; using a body wash that contains tea tree oil; cleansing, toning and moisturising these areas the same way you would your face, and not using products that are in danger of clogging your pores. After exercising or in hot weather, try to get out of your sweaty clothes and shower as soon as possible.
7. TAN
We all know the importance of staying out of the sun. But for some people, the appeal of a fake tan is that they feel healthier and look slimmer or more toned. Tanning products work best with smooth skin, so if you've followed all the previous steps, your product should go on easily and effectively with minimal risk of streaking.

Build up your tan gradually every day or use one that develops overnight and lasts several days. And don't forget areas such as feet, ankles and fingers.
And we have to say, we've seen some awful fake tan jobs (who hasn't!) so go easy on the product and aim to get a gorgeous, naturally-looking, sunkissed glow.

This is a step that is often neglected. Sunscreen is very important and should be used on your face all year round - not just in the summer. But during the summer months it's important to wear sunscreen on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun, and reapply as often as necessary, usually after every two hours or after swimming or sweating. Use the protection factor that is appropriate for your skin, and follow up with after sun.
Bring on Summer!

Photos: Pixabay
Blog Graphics: Angel Noire

I'm passionate about skincare. I like to think I take quite good care of mine but there's always room for improvement as this post proves! 😊