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Angel's Forty Life-Enhancing Pearl's of Wisdom That Make Life Better! (Pt. ii)

Writer: Angel NoireAngel Noire

21. I'm Ready For My Close-Up!

Make-up can only do so much, so make skin care a priority then you can dare to go bare and still look stunning!

22. Don't Get Carried Away With Social Media

What we see on social media is a bit like what we see on TV – it’s not always real. So don’t compare yourself with your friends – or ‘friends’… but feel free to unfollow anyone if they’re annoying the hell out of you!

23. To Err Is Human

There’s nothing wrong with making a mistake. What’s wrong is when you refuse to accept responsibility or deny it ever happened. Own up, accept you made a mistake, apologize sincerely and move on. People will respect you a whole lot more… and if you do make a mistake, let it be your mistake and not someone else’s. When things go wrong because of other people, they very rarely take responsibility or apologise leaving you to feel resentful.

24. It's OK To Not Be OK

No one likes to admit to negative feelings such as loneliness or envy but we all feel it sometimes. Remember that you are only human and accept that there will be times when you will feel a bit negative – and keep in mind that it will soon pass. And if we didn’t have bad days, we’d never fully appreciate the really good ones.

25. Get a hobby!

Find your passion and make sure it’s something you’re super passionate about; you enjoy immensely and that it makes you feel good about yourself.

26. See What's Out There

Even if you’re unable to go abroad, explore what your own country has to offer. I guarantee there will be things within your own home town that you never even knew about.

27. I love clothes but I hate fashion!

And now that I’m older I have the confidence to show off my own sense of style without conforming to other people’s ideas of what looks good. So it doesn’t matter if it’s this season’s, last season’s or ten seasons’ ago – if you like it and it makes you feel great, wear it!

28. Compare and Contrast is not for people!

Comparing yourself to others really is a waste of time – take it from someone who knows! Focus on yourself and your own life and make it the very best it can be.

29. Creativity is Essential

There’s nothing like people enjoying a delicious meal, or appreciating a floral arrangement or hand-knitted scarf and knowing that it’s your very own creation. So don’t be afraid of unleashing your inner creative genius.

30. Be A Solo Star

There’s something to be said for doing things on your own that would normally be a social activity. So don’t be intimidated by going shopping, to the cinema, to a restaurant, to a gig or even on holiday by yourself. It might be awkward the first time and you might feel like Billy-no-mates but as you gain in confidence, it can actually be quite liberating.

31. Road Trip!

Road trips are fun but headbanging road trips are so much better, so make sure that rock music is playing at full blast with all the passengers singing along. Bohemian Rhapsody, anyone? 32. Show Them You Care

Don’t take your nearest and dearest for granted. Never miss an opportunity to show them how important they are to you.

33. It's Sometimes OK To Depend On The Kindness Of Strangers

I’ve come across people in my life who, even though they barely know me, they have shown me immense kindness. These are very special people to be treasured.

34. Family Isn't Always Blood...

I was brought up to believe that family should always come first. Unfortunately there are some people who are just not worthy of the word ‘family’. To me my family are the people who love me unconditionally; don’t judge and are supportive and encouraging. The others are people I just happen to be related to.

35. Friendship Never Ends Only If You're A Spice Girl

Sadly some friendships don’t last forever – no matter how much you want them to. Accept that some people come into your life for a reason and that some friendships just run it’s course. Learn to let go and move on… even though yes, it takes time.

36. Know When It's Necessary To Put Yourself First

Although selfishness is generally not a good trait, sometimes it’s important to be a little selfish for the sake of our own happiness and well-being. And as long as you’re not hurting anyone, it’s ok to put yourself first when absolutely necessary.

37. Love Your Job!

I’ve had jobs that sucked and I’ve had jobs which felt more like being at a holiday camp – and I know which I prefer. You spend most of your day at work so it’s important to do something that makes you happy. If you’re currently stuck in a job you hate, don’t accept it and think that it’s always going to be that way like I did – make an effort to get out and apply for things you do want to do. It may take a while but it’ll be worth it in the end.

Photos: Pixabay

Blog graphics: Angel Noire



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