For us creative types, nothing makes us more content than being up to our eyes in a project - or ten! Some people might enjoy sweating it out in the gym; checking out the new releases at the local multiplex, or hiking through woodland areas but for us keen crafters, the craft room is our happy place. If we're not knee-deep in fabrics, with gluey fingers, glitter in our hair, and pieces of decoupage paper scattered about the place, then something is very wrong!
There's a keen army of crafters out there that's growing bigger by the day. Which is quite surprising considering that once upon a time arts and crafts was considered old-fashioned, uncool and fuddy-duddy; something your nan would do. Now it's probably something your man would do! Many TV shows that feature arts and crafts have demonstrated that it's 'cool' to get creative. But cool or not, it's most definitely a fantastic way to unwind and destress which is just what's needed for today's hectic way of life. Not to mention the recent stress of the pandemic which has played havoc with many people's emotional well-being.
For those of you whose idea of a wild time is to find as many uses as possible for odd pieces of ribbon, the following will be easy for you to relate to.
We collect the ribbons from chocolate boxes, tissue paper from gifts, buttons and beads that have fallen off clothes... many may regard these as waste that needs to be binned, but to craft addicts, these are bits and bobs that are bound to come in handy either now or in the future, or inspiration for a new craft project.

To illustrate our point, check out florist Mandy's story:
I remember taking an order from a bride who wanted flower girl baskets but had left it a little too late. I had just one weekend to come up with two baskets in a rather unusual choice of colour.
So I dipped into my box of trusty oddments, - the same box that my sister always used to laugh at - and came up with tulle remnants, pieces of ribbon and a small bunch of silk flowers all in the desired colour, which I was able to divide between the two baskets and mix with other cream-coloured silks. The baskets looked great. I had one happy customer and my sister never laughed at my 'box of junk' again!
You're too well-mannered to tell your friends what to buy you as a gift (unless they badger you of course!) but they know you so well that even though designer brands are in, they know that you would actually prefer to make the chocolates... Or candles... Or scarf... Or jewellery yourself. So what's the gift of choice for the girl (or guy) who likes putting their hands to creative good use? Sessions at a craft workshop of course!
There are workshops and classes available for a variety of different crafts which last from one day for something quick and simple, to several sessions which run for a period of several weeks or even months if you really want to get stuck in. It's a really unique and thoughtful gift - just perfect for your craft-mad friend.
Likewise when you need to get a gift for your friend, you're more likely to reach for your craft box rather than your device to scour the online shopping sites. You know that there's nothing more unique than a handpainted teapot, screen printed T-shirt, beaded scarf, handmade soaps or studded leather wristband you've created yourself.

As Laura says:
When an old friend of ours was getting married, she didn't include a gift list so we had no idea what to get her. My husband, who's an artist, then decided to purchase a plain glass vase. He then went ahead and etched a beautiful jasmine design, complete with the bride and groom's names and the date of their wedding. It was beyond stunning - if I may say so - and my friend told me later that it was one of the most gorgeous gifts they'd received. It's deeply treasured and it reminds them of us every time they look at it - as well as their happy day of course!
Your favourite T-shirt has a rip in it? No problem -you simply stitch it up, add some embellishments and it's as good as new. Wooden chair literally on it's last legs? Once it's been repaired, gets revamped with a brand new coat of paint in a bold colour, it looks better than ever before.

Nothing ever gets thrown out because you enjoy transforming it into a work of art.
There isn't a craft store you haven't heard of, a craft book or magazine you haven't read, or a craft site you don't know about. And even when you go on holiday, forget the tourist attractions, it's the craft shops you're looking for!
Claire tells us:
When I first got into crafting, I used to sit at the computer for hours, finding craft sites and purchasing all kinds of wonderful items from them. A 'quick browse' around local craft stores would see me leaving with a big bag of goodies.
On a visit to Edinburgh for a week long break, my husband and I came across a very quaint, little craft shop and of course, I couldn't resist going in. We left empty-handed.
You're able to identify a variety of crafting tools and explain what they're used for. You know how to convert measurements with ease. You know your antique rose from your blush pink, and you can talk floristry techniques for hours.
7. WHEN OTHERS SEE AN EMPTY JAM JAR READY FOR RECYCLING... see a container for a new batch of marmalade, jams, or chutneys you plan to give as gifts; a drinking glass for your homemade brew; a new candle holder in need to decoration; a storage jar for your craft bits and bobs; vessel for your new snow globe...
... That is how you think like a crafter!
You can barely see the flooring in your house because it's completely covered with craft books that you can't stop purchasing or the latest craft magazines which you love flicking through for inspiration for new craft projects and to find out what's new in the world of crafts.
A person may be known for one particular craft but that doesn't mean that they won't dabble - or even excel - at others. It's all about the art at the end of the day and us crafters have creativity in our blood. It's all about using our imaginations; developing ideas and creating something that can be enjoyed by others. So don't be surprised if your florist friend is also into balloon art, or your grandad who makes handpainted mirrors is also a dab hand at the potters' wheel. There's no end to some people's artistic talents.
Peter explains:
Someone once told me that being a florist suited me to the ground because I was such a happy person. Well I don't know about that - I have my moments just like everyone else - but it's true that crafts, floristry in particular, really do bring out the best in me and I'm happiest when I'm getting stuck into one of my projects. This probably explains why the three years I spent at flower school were among some of the best years of my life. Not only did I learn so much but I was among like-minded people who loved getting creative and using their imagination - and boy did we have a laugh! There was the odd row but mostly we laughed!

A lot of other crafters feel the same. There's nothing quite like designing and creating something beautiful yourself. And if it's admired by others, so much the better. And if you can actually make a living out of selling your crafts, then you've really hit the jackpot.

Photos from Pixabay
Word cloud by Angel Noire